Month: April 2009

  • Early Thursday morning, back to days

    Good morning all. I hope this finds everyone doing well. It's Thursday morning, 5:30 as I begin this blog. For some, it's the end of the work week at the end of the day. For others, so close you can reach out and touch it.

    Yesterday was a good day. I blogged already about going to the social security office. I want to take a minute to say thank you to everyone who sent well wishes and positive thoughts. I can't express how much that means to us and as crazy as it sounds, I believe it all helped things to go so smoothly... so with the DMV coming today (we all know what a bitch that can be) keep the positive thoughts rolling in!! Haha. I also thank you all who sent congratulations. It is so touching how many of you recognize that this is a big deal to us and why it is a big deal. Tancy's got people from high school sending her "Woo Hoo's!!". The support is just wonderful. We love you all for many reasons and your continuing support of our journey is just one of those reasons.

    So, once I got home and we had some lunch we both got to work on stuff around the house. I picked up around the house a bit,  I got all my laundry done, plus some... like rugs and such. I got dishes done as well. Just general picking up of things out of place. I felt tired and had terrible heart burn so I wasn't moving too fast. I managed to take out the trash in the bathroom and gather up anything out of place.

    Once I was satisfied with progress made I headed outside to help Tancy in her shed. She'd been packing stuff out from under the house into the shed while I was working in the house. I helped her get things organized and put away in a sensible manner. She already had it going very well, I just stepped it up a bit. It's not all done, but it's a good start. We worked on that for a bit and let the puppies play in the yard. They just got groomed on Tuesday, so their yard time is limited... we want to keep them clean and smelling good for as long as we can.

    Before long we headed inside and called it a day on the "Tanc Cave". We both just chilled out a bit. I felt so sleepy. I could have sat upright and slept soundly on the couch. But around 3:30 - 4:00 it was time to get dinner going. I baked some chicken and made au gratin potatoes. It was yummy, although I need some more allegra... next time I'll buy a small bottle. It lost its kick and didn't taste at all like I knew it would. It was still good, just had obviously changed over time. We both had plenty to eat. Oh! And Tancy had made some orangeade... it was delicious!

    After dinner we both sat on the couch and moaned and groaned about how full we were. But by about 5:30 we were both back to work on the last few things we wanted to accomplish in the house. Tancy got to work on the floors and I went to work putting away a few things
    left out in Lillie's room. Her tub and bath toys are now in the hall
    bathroom instead of her bedroom floor. I deflated the little fishies
    from the shower and put them away. I put away the clothes we got from
    Lil Jen and Slo Jenn and reorganized a few things to wrap up her room
    for now.

    I put the back bedroom back together. Lauren had stayed a night in
    there and the bed covers were all crookinated. Plus I had put some
    stuff on the bed till I found a place for it. I took care of that stuff
    and that room was done for now (I need to put fresh sheets on the bed
    for when Mom and Larisa are here for the shower, but I've got time).

    We both sat down for a minute after Tancy finished the hard wood floors and took a break. But soon I was back to it. I needed to fold and put away all the laundry. She still had to do the tile floors. So we got back to it. Once I was finished I got a quick bath, really didn't have the energy for much more... but I knocked the top layer of funk off and that was good enough for me. I had already made the bed and pulled the sheets down (as much as I dislike making a bed, and generally don't do it till just before I get in bed... the sheets have to be straight before I can get in bed... I love to get in a freshly made bed with the sheets pulled down and cool), my belly has been so sore lately... it hurt to get into bed, but once I was there it felt so good to be there. It took me a bit to find a comfy position, sitting upright, reclined but sitting still, laying across the bed... I've just hit that point where comfort is hard to find.

    Before too long Tancy came to the back (she got caught up on my blog posts after she finished the floors) and got her bath.  Thankfully she had enough hot water (I'd been washing clothes and laundry... that usually sucks down our hot water, especially when I have rugs and the terri pads for the wood floors to wash in HOT water) to get a good bath. We watched TV for a while, by this time it's probably 8:30ish, and managed to catch Kathy Griffin's "She'll Cut A Bitch". I love her, I think she's funny. I was asleep either right at the end or just before the end. I don't know which. I just know I was exhausted. I could barely breathe... fun. I've gotten to where I have to lay on my side, body pillow wedged under me in the front, regular pillow wedged under my back (all my flugh supported by pillows), laying on my left side with my right arm nearly behind me... seems to help open my air way so I can breathe and subsequently fall asleep. That takes some getting used to, the difficulty breathing.

    I fell asleep hard. I know this because Tancy watched South Park and I never heard any of it (she doesn't exactly turn the volume down to a whisper and South Park is one of those shows that is annoying to hear if you aren't watching it). But that sleep was short lived. I was up at 11:00 to pee. It hurt so bad to get out of bed, again, belly is so sore. Then getting back in bed and getting situated took alot of doing. I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep, once I am back in bed in position I can't see a clock. But it seemed like I laid there forever just worn out from having gotten up. I woke up at 12:30 uncomfortable, flipped and flopped till I could get turned over on my right side just to try to find comfort. I managed to fall back asleep, but that was short lived. I was up again at 1:15... wow, you really never adjust to that soreness do ya?! From there I was up again at 2:00 just trying to get comfortable and then again at 3:33 for another potty run. At 3:33, once I got back in bed I didn't go back to sleep till just before Tancy got up to get ready. I couldn't get comfortable, I was hot, my belly was sore, I felt like I couldn't breathe through my nose... Ms. Lillie was moving up a storm, felt like she was doing jumping jacks or something! She's been doing that more and more, especially when I should be sleeping (guess I should get used to that, lol). It made me smile, like I said before, hard to be bothered by not sleeping when your child, who you are so excited to meet, is moving and letting you know they are there. Of course, I'd just gotten back to sleep when Tancy got up to get dressed.

    I laid there for a minute, deciding how promptly I was going to get out of bed... knowing I couldn't go back to sleep at this point... and finally drug my ass out of bed. I did my usual routine, dogs out, coffee on, dogs in & fed, toast Tancy's bread for her sandwich and get out all the fixin's, fix the coffee, make the sandwich, put the sandwich stuff and toaster away, bring the coffee in to the living room and turn on the news. All with my brains half asleep which is why a routine helps in the mornings, you don't have to be fully awake, you just go through the motions and get it done.

    We had a few minutes together before it was time for her to leave, quiet moments. She asked how I slept, I asked how she slept, things like that. She headed out for work and I got on xanga. Now you are officially caught up from the last blog.

    Today I have a few things around the house to finish up on. Will be getting to those in just a bit. Then it'll be time to get ready to head out to the DMV to get my new drivers license with my new legal name. I am so happy. I have no idea how to explain that to anyone... but its a big deal to us. Ya'll surely know that by now. LOL. After I get done at the DMV I need to take the truck to get an inspection sticker and then I'll head home. Once I get home I'll start the tedious process of getting everything changed over to my new name. I have prioritized, bank and insurance stuff first (all insurance stuff). Then I'll work through utilities. Then will come the miscellaneous stuff like credit cards, etc. I can change it at doctors offices next time I am there (they always ask if anything has changed anyway, that will make that easy). I wont get it all done today, but if I can get it all done in a months time I'll be happy. I think that's fairly doable.

    Our friends should be welcoming their second child... thought he would have come yesterday, but I haven't heard anything. I'll check in later today. We are excited for them and anxious to know that baby and Mama are doing well.

    Outside of that, I really don't have much of anything going on. Another day in the neighborhood. I do hope that everyone has a great day today. I've been thinking alot lately about how fortunate I am. I have a wonderful partner with whom I am having a baby. I have terrific family, they are so supportive of us and our life together. I have great friends, they are there through thick and thin. I have truly been given many gifts in life and I am so appreciative of all of them. I thank each and every one of you who are a part of those gifts. I think the biggest gift of all is knowing how loved Lillie is already... and how much she will be loved when she gets here. I know ya'll really don't want me to go on and on, but it's important that I verbalize (one way or another) all the things that I am thankful for... I am so very thankful.

    Alright kids. I think I have taken up quite enough of your time this morning. Have a GREAT day today. The weekend is almost here!! Yay! Enjoy it. I'll be on day shift, haha! Up at 4:30 - 4:45 for the next three days. One day off, then three or four days of up at 5:15. But after that, VACATION!! And our 5 year anniversary... 5 years, hard to believe... all good of course. Love that woman! Sorry. I am sentimental today. Lots on the calendar from Monday forward, classes, appointments, etc. Gonna be a quick trip to June 16th!

    Love to all!

  • The latest on my legal name change

    Good morning all. Well, I guess it is afternoon now... either way, I hope its going well!

    Yesterday was took the puppies to be groomed and then to my chiropractors appointment. We spent all day in Gastonia waiting on the puppies to be done. We ran some errands, spent way too much money and then (finally) headed home. Once we got home I left out right after unloading to our lawyers office to pick up my legal name change paperwork. We decided to try the social security office and see how that might go. I got back home, we had dinner and just vegged out. It was a good day and a great evening. I have really enjoyed our time together the last couple of days. I guess it was 11:00 or later when we finally turned the TV off and went to sleep.

    I didn't get up till 9:00 this morning. I haven't been sleeping well (hips hurting, bladder full), but I have been staying in bed longer... not sure what sense that makes, but it is what it is. I got up, had coffee and then got dressed to head out. At 10:10 I was on the road to the social security office with my paperwork. I felt excited and nervous, hopeful and apprehensive. I got there right at 10:40, it looked like there weren't as many people there as I had anticipated (getting a late start and all). They have a new way of giving you a number now, you tell the guard what you are there for, he tells you what number to press on the screen and you get a number based on what you are there to accomplish. I might have waited 10 - 15 minutes max before they called my number. I had my print out of my verification of name change with social security less than 20 minutes after having walked through the doors. I was thrilled!

    I have to wait till tomorrow to take all my paperwork to the DMV (giving social security's system time to update). So I'll probably be there first thing to get my new drivers license. I am so excited and happy. I am elated, that's a good word! I called to tell Tancy I was on my way home and everything went well. Then I called our lawyer to tell her. She asked what I was going to do about Louisiana. I told her they could kiss my ass! I am certainly not paying them $750 (a ridiculous amount of money) to simply change my birth certificate. That's just ludicrous to me. I have accomplished all I really need to accomplish, especially once I have my drivers license. Tomorrow will probably be spent getting all my stuff changed over. It'll be a pain in the ass, but its totally worth it at this point.

    So, I have some house work to do today. Tancy's gonna get to work in her shed, I'll help her some with that too. Other than that, hopefully, today will be a leisurely day together taking care of some household chores, but nothing too strenuous.

    I hope that you all have a great day! I am sure I'll blog more tomorrow, but believe that's all I've got for today.

    Love to all!

  • Week 31! (9 weeks to go)

      Week 31 of Pregnancy

    31 weeks

    As your baby's senses increase, his mommy's breathing room decreases.

    are your diaphragm is feeling a little cramped these days. Okay, a lot
    cramped. That's because your uterus is pushing up against it, crowding
    your lungs and making it more difficult for them to expand fully. The
    result: Your body is spare on air, and will be until your baby drops
    near the end of pregnancy in preparation for birth. Your baby, however,
    is happy as a clam since he gets all the oxygen he needs through the
    placenta. Weighing in at three-plus pounds and measuring 18 inches
    long, he's quickly approaching his birth length though he's got to pack
    on another three to five pounds before D-day. Also developing at an
    impressive clip: your baby's brain connections (he's got to make
    trillions of them!). He's now processing information, tracking light,
    and perceiving signals from all five senses. He's also putting in
    longer stretches of sleep, which is why you're probably noticing more
    defined patterns of awake (and moving) periods and sleeping (pretty
    still) periods.

    Some of the amniotic fluid has to
    be removed at this point to make room
    for the growing baby so in essence
    that would mean you have about half
    as much fluid as you did about a month
    ago. Less fluid means less cushion
    and so you are likely to feel your
    baby's kicks and movements more intensely.
    However baby's movements are going
    to be less drastic and dramatic from
    this point on. Baby's lungs are maturing
    in preparation for life outside the
    womb. Baby is rehearsing at intervals
    by breathing in amniotic fluid and
    expelling it.

    Your weight gain by this time should
    be between 21 and 27lb (9.45-12.15kg).
    Since sleeping position is a problem,
    you are likely to wake up a couple
    of times in the night either to go
    to the washroom or to change positions.
    Uterus expansion and elevated hormone
    levels cause backache problems which
    may start to bother some of you around
    now. Plenty of rest is the solution.

    As you progress into your pregnancy,
    it gets very easy to get wrapped up
    in your own feelings and emotions
    that you lose sight of your husband's
    concerns and feelings. Make sure you
    give each other lots of chances to
    discuss your concerns about the pregnancy
    and the impending changes to lifestyle.
    Most expectant fathers take on the
    more traditional role by worrying
    about finances. The financial responsibility
    sits squarely on your partner's shoulders
    now that you are planning to quit
    your job, even if it is on a temporary
    basis. It is important to discuss
    the money factor with each other as
    it involves your baby's future.

    Well, we had our check-up yesterday and all is well. I actually lost 1 pound since I was there two weeks ago (bringing my total weight gain 5 pounds... technically speaking I am still at a 5 pound lost because I lost 10 pounds to start and have only put back on 5 of it). I don't know how I could have lost any weight with all we ate while we were in Louisiana, but I'm not complaining. My blood pressure was good 118/78. Lillie's heart rate was good 150. She's way high. Our doctor even remarked about how high she was when she found her heart beat up above my belly button!!

    I ended up with a pelvic exam. Just a precaution and a check based on the issues that I had on Saturday (primarily the cramping). I'm not dialated and I'm, once again, very high. All is well, nothing to be worried about. The exam wasn't as bad as I had prepared myself for, thankfully. So, we'll keep rockin' and rollin'. I have two more, two week appointments, then I'll be going every week. Seems like it's moving along pretty quickly at this point.

    I have started having trouble sleeping. My hips hurt so bad at night. I can only sleep on one side or the other, preferrably the left since my sciatic hurts so bad on my right... but no matter which one I am on, inevitably, that hip will start hurting me and I have to roll over. I am telling you, large whales are more graceful than me at this point. It's so hard to get turned over in the bed and once I do I just lay there panting and grunting, trying to recover some oxygen! My back in general hurts alot, well, hurts might be a strong word... there's alot of pressure, achy. Even sitting hurts, it's hard to find a comfortable position sitting, standing or laying down. Yay pregnancy. LOL!

    The breathlessness is not much worse than it was. I guess because she's always been up so high... I'll wake myself up at night feeling like I can't breathe. That's scary. It's much easier to take a deep breath in than to let a deep breath out. I don't know what sense that makes, but that's how it is.

    I seem to have had more issues since we got back from Louisiana. I don't know if that's just where we are in the pregnancy or me paying for that long trip. I'm thinking it is a little of both honestly. Emotionally I am feeling pretty good... always thankful for that. I am excited and happy about so much. Even when I am feeling kinda crappy physically I can get some relief just by having a better attitude about things.

    My boobs continue to be huge. Not that I expected them to get smaller at this point, but man! I am really afraid to see how much bigger they might get with breastfeeding, etc. Now I have the task of trying to figure out what size breast shields I need to fit "everything" like its suppose to fit. We looked yesterday, they make one called a "soft fit" (the cones that go on the breast pump) that is a soft material instead of the harder plastic. Suppose to make it easier with larger breasts. Trouble is, I have no idea what size I need... and how do you measure for that?! I don't want to spend $13.00 to try out a size and it not work (you can't take that shit back). Any advice on "fitting" for those things? I am open to suggestions.

    My appetite has decreased. Probably simply because there's less space in there. I still get hungry, but I eat much smaller portions. The heart burn can be so ridiculously overwhelming at times, its crazy. She's got to be pushing on all that making it inflammed. Those rolaids soft chews are a god-send!! They not only work for heartburn, but they work for gas... and if you've been pregnant, you know how terribly uncomfortable gas can be.

    One the positive side of it all (since all that sounds like negatives) I am so very happy. I feel great emotionally and mentally. Every now and then the hormones jump up and bite me in the ass, but for the most part I am in a good place. I am excited and nervous (in a good way). Its like waiting for Christmas morning to come, only better. I feel so appreciative of so very much, including our family and friends who are so wonderful and supportive. I love, love, love Tancy. She's been incredibly supportive and understanding. She takes great care of me and listens to what I need. I am very greatful to have such a wonderful partner.

    We went last night, after the doctor, to Concord. It basically became a date night, which was nice. We went to the Carter's outlet. They have alot of clothes 70% off!! We didn't buy anything, but they have such cute clothes. I got some underwear, found once we got home they are the wrong size... can't take them back, so I've got to get the right size today. Fun! We just had a great evening together. I'm such a lucky girl!

    Well kids... I need to get off of here. I gotta get ready to take the puppies to get them groomed and then off to the chiropractor. Then we'll come home and chill out probably. I think Tancy wants to work in her "Tanc Cave" today and get some of her tools, etc. out there. We shall see, I don't know what the weather is suppose to be like today.

    I hope you all have a great day today. I probably wont post again until tomorrow.

    Love to all!

  • Bored out of my gourd

    Hello all. Here I sit on Sunday evening, it's currently 7:20. Tylor and Val left around 4:30, Tancy left for work at 5:30 and not too long after Mandy and Lauren left too. I left shortly behind them to go get a gallon of milk. I just can't go a day without a glass of milk at this point.

    So I get to the store and figure I'll run in, walk around, I've got nothing more to do why not kill some time. I know I need milk, I've been wanting some orange juice... and honestly, what good is milk without some cookies?! I get to the grocery store, park the truck, get out, lock it and begin to walk in to the store. I see a guy get out of a van and I know instantly he's coming my way. Sure enough "Ma'am?". I keep walking but acknowledge him and let him walk toward me walking toward the store. He says that he's with his girlfriend and they are on their way to see family in VA after seeing family here, they are from SC. They have money, but all they have on them is $65 in food stamps and that if I would let him buy my groceries with his food stamps and give him the cash it would help them out with some car trouble they were having. I tell him that I can't help him. All I came for is milk and I've got too much month left at the end of my money and keep walking. He makes me uncomfortable, there's something about him that is neither honest nor trustworthy. Now, honestly, I don't mind helping anyone... but I am pretty sure he wasn't on the up and up. I head in to the store, now completely distracted, find someone and tell them they might want to check their parking lot and what is going on. I grab milk, orange juice and some cookies and out I go. An older couple, I'd say mid 60's is heading out the same time as me and the wife says "That girls gone". I turn to them, right behind me, and tell them a guy approached me. The story the girl gave them was that they were here visiting family and heading back to SC and they needed gas money. The lady, full of piss and vinegar asked her didn't she have family in SC (we aren't that far from the SC line) that could come help them?! Haha! I love it. The girl just turned on her heel and didn't say another word to the lady. After hearing the story the older couple was given I am sure that I did the right thing. Bothers me a bit though, I have to be honest. I don't like that set up and I don't like feeling like the bad guy because people run scams. I'd much rather be the good samaritan and help someone out in need than to be so sceptical.

    Needless to say I didn't peruse the store and kill any time, I got what I needed and got out. As I was driving off I saw the manager come out. I drove over to where he was and told him that they had apparently left. He thanked me and headed back in. I headed home. I get home, pour a big old glass of milk and put it in the freezer to chill for my cookies. I talked to Pops on the phone for a bit. It was good to hear his voice. I talk to Mom often, but Pops isn't real big on the phone thing, so we don't talk that often. I am wishing him good weather tomorrow so he can take a nice motorcycle ride.

    I've had my cookies and milk. They hit the spot. There's not one damn thing on TV and I am completely bored. There's nothing to do. I have managed to prevent my sciatic from acting up today and I'd really like to maintain that, so I am not about to take on any projects in the house. Mandy was an angel, not only did she cook all the food we ate for "Easter Dinner" she cleaned the kitchen before she left. So thats done. The laundry is caught up too. So anything that wouldn't be too physically demanding is done. I don't know if I can be in bed early again tonight. The puppies are here on the couch, sacked out! Scout was just snoring even.

    It's been a good day. I am just wide awake and not sure what to do with myself. I don't have any cross stitch stuff or scrap book stuff or maybe I would work on that... Oh well, I am sure I'll either find something to get into or just carry my ass to bed. I hope ya'll all have a good night too.

    Love to all!

  • Easter Sunday and Lillie's excited!

    Good morning all. I hope this finds you all doing well. Hopefully planning some family time today. That's what Easter Sunday is about to me, time spent with family.

    So yesterday, once Tancy got up, I didn't do too much. I got a shower, she got a bath. We tried to watch some of our DVR shows, but neither of us were that interested. I made us some lunch (taco salad without the salad, haha) and we just caught up on each other's day/night. She had a splitting headache, so we also tried to get that to go away. Coffee, medicine, etc. She left for work with the headache, I felt bad for her.

    After she left for work I swept the floor. I had been having some sciatic issues most of the evening at that point, burning pain up my back instead of down my leg. She had me ice it... I don't know if that helped or not to be honest, but I did it. So once I was done with the ice I swept the floor. I needed to get a few things done before everyone gets here today and thats a big one that is hard to do while Tancy is sleeping. I got it done and knew as soon as I put the dust pan up that I was done for. I had been having some cramping, lower back pain and pressure... so I decided it would be best to take myself to bed. I got myself a snack or two (I'd had a late lunch with Tancy but wasn't feeling hungry for dinner), popcorn and fruit, and headed to the back. It was about 8:00 when I got into bed. I took a tylox just to try to get some relief from the burning pain in my back (didn't figure it would change much of the rest I had going on).

    I got a note pad out and wrote down some questions I have for the doctor on Monday. Up to this point I really haven't asked alot of questions. 40 weeks is such a long row to hoe that I just took it one visit at a time and did my research online or in books... or just waited till closer to the end to ask. Well, its getting close enough to the end that I am starting to ask questions now. I also want to make sure to talk to her about the sciatic issues growing increasingly worse... not because I think there's anything to be done about it, just good for them to know about any issues I am having. I want to talk to her about what I had going on yesterday, nearly 5 hours of the lower back pain, cramps and pressure... any one of them singularly isn't a big deal, but all three together I just want to be sure that's normal stuff at this stage. Then there are the questions about labor and delivery that I have. I think I only have 5 or 6 things total to talk to her about, so that isn't alot really. I try to work in a hand full of questions (if I have them) at each visit instead of taking in a note book full. LOL. I don't really have that many questions in general though and try not to over think it all.

    So I made my notes and ate my popcorn. I also had 4 clementines! I love oranges, always have, and while I've been pregnant I can't eat just one. After all that I settled in to try to sleep, it was about 9:30 at that point. I looked for something on TV for a while, found a channel and got completely situated in bed. I was asleep by 10:00. I woke up at 11:15, 1:30, 4:45 and then at 6:30 just before Tancy got home. I did my usual, sent the puppies out to her when she hit the door, made my potty run and crawled back into bed. I wasn't sure, once she got in bed, if I would be able to go back to sleep or not. I had already slept 8.5 hours (a good hour and a half longer than I usually do) and that was good, hard, sound sleep. But guess what?! I did!! I slept till 8:45 and decided I should quit while I was ahead. It's been quite a while since I slept nearly 11 hours and I enjoyed every minute of it. This morning is also the first morning in a while I didn't wake up pissed for being awakened before I was ready. Yay!

    I also woke to my little one moving away. She must be rested too because it's an hour later and she's still moving around in there. Now that'll surely make you smile first thing in the morning, feeling your baby moving around inside your belly, letting you know she's awake and strong. Even if it keeps you from sleeping, it still brings a smile and makes your heart full. She's excited that its Easter I think. Haha! Her Nana Sue made her her very first Easter basket. It is in her room, put away, until she's big enough to carry it to hunt easter eggs.

    This morning my sciatic is still burning away there in my hip. Thankfully its less intense than it was yesterday and it isn't traveling, just specific to one spot, burning a hole in the back of my hip. I can live with that. I'll put some ice on it in just a bit. Then I'll get a nice hot shower and see if that helps me out. Mandy is doing most, if not all, of the cooking today, so I don't have to be on my feet and that is a great thing. I do, however, need to pick up a bit before everyone gets here. I have the baskets from the shower (with shells and nets) on the coffee table till I can figure out what I want to do with them. I have the gigantic bag of clothes that Lil Jenn & Slo Jen sent us on the love seat waiting for me to go through them. I also have food on the counter in the kitchen that needs to find a home in the pantry. I will probably work in small steps. Do one or two things and sit down a bit. Then do something else and take a break. That way I don't over do it. Given yesterdays discomfort I just don't want to find myself back there. I don't like taking medicine at all while I am pregnant and I definitely don't want to have to take tylox more than once in a great while.

    Tomorrow a friend of ours is suppose to come by some time between the time Tancy gets up and the time we have to head out to the doctor. It'll be good to see her for a bit. It seems like there was something else I wanted/needed to do tomorrow, but it escapes me now. Hopefully we will hear back from the lawyer about applying for my social security card based on the information we received from our friends. If so, I'll go by there and pick up my paperwork so I can take care of that this week. I am anxious to hear from her about it. At some point I also need to take the car in to get the oil changed, but I doubt that will happen on Monday.

    I am trying to decide about going ahead and getting a few things on our registry that I don't think we will get as gifts. Breast pump items. The membranes and breast shields. I wouldn't think those would be items that people would buy off the registry. I mean, doesn't everyone either go for the "Aawwww" factor or the "Wow! That's gonna be really useful"? I know I buy for either of those myself. Usually though I just buy a nice wicker basket and fill it with bath stuff, diaper rash stuff, mylicon, tylenol and then a glow worm and toys of some sort... it's practical and the basket can be used for dirty clothes or toys or whatever. Maybe once Lillie is born my baby shower gift giving style will change... I'll truly know what is really needed and useful. So, I'd like to go get those items that I don't think anyone will buy... but I'm not sure if I should. If I do, I can put together all my breast pump stuff and be done with that, one more thing marked off the list ready to go.

    Yesterday I went into the registry and took some items off the list. We had gotten some items at the shower in Louisiana that were on the registry, but for whatever reason didn't come off the registry (maybe they were bought some place else, doesn't matter). Since we don't need more of those items, I just took them off. After the shower here in May I'll go back through and look at what we still need and what we just would have liked to have had and go get what we still need (and maybe some of what we wanted depending on how much we're already spending, haha). Lil Jenn was telling me they got alot of stuff for the baby on the way at Once Upon A Child, which my sister and sister-in-law had told us about. But Lil Jenn said they didn't pay more than $3.00 for anything (I am assuming clothes wise). So, if you see an item on the registry that you want to get, go check at your local Once Upon A Child and see if they have one like it at a much lesser cost. We aren't concerned about whether something is brand new or not. If it's still in good, useable condition, thats really all that matters.

    I am gonna take a minute to call some folks out. Mom, Aunt Jan, Daniele haven't seen you in a while... what's up?! Haven't seen you blog, haven't seen you post pics, haven't even seen you read my blog. Come on ladies, you are slacking! I'd normally add Casie to that, but she's had so much family stuff going on lately, I'll cut her some slack. Aunt Jan, you'll be the first to fuss at me for not blogging.... where you at?!

    Alright kids. I hope you enjoy your day tremendously. Looks like it is going to be gorgeous here. I am so thankful for that. I've had enough rain for a while personally. But, if I remember the weather report properly, its suppose to rain tomorrow and Tuesday. Ugh! Anyway, have a great Easter.

    Love to all!

    P.S. How come so many people read my blog (I actually get alot of hits) and no one leaves comments? What's up with that??

  • Saturday morning

    Good morning all. I hope that everyone is having a great holiday weekend. My peeps in Louisiana are probably getting ready for some crawfish boils and good time with family. I am not sure what our Ohio peeps are up to, an Easter egg hunt and some ham maybe? Here, its just another day. We will have dinner with Mandy and her crew tomorrow, but outside of that, there aren't any plans. Whatever you are doing, I hope you enjoy it.

    Yesterday I got the laundry and dishes done. Tancy read up about the two breast pumps that we have. I also got the dishes done, cooked dinner for her before she left for work and sterilized some of the breast pump parts. I don't know if Tancy is starting to feel like she needs to prepare or what, but we even had a talk about how to get in touch with her at work if she should be there when its time to go to the hospital. It was cute and sweet and comforting that she thinks about what she needs to be getting in order (like FMLA paperwork).

    I got a call from some friends of ours who are expecting their second child any minute. They invited me to dinner with them and two other friends of ours. The couple who is expecting #2 also had some clothes for Lillie that I could get while I was there. I don't need an excuse to go visit them and I really wanted to see preggo before she popped. So I left out from home right around 5:00 to see everyone. The weather here was terrible and I was just a little nervous about how bad it might get. But, lucky for me, it got a little lighter the closer to them I got.

    I got there just before 5:30 and we put the clothes in the car while there was a break in the weather and before it got dark. We visited for a bit and before long our other friends arrived. We all talked and laughed and enjoyed their little girl for a while, playing with her, talking to her, she's an adorable little sprite. Then we ordered dinner and two of the girls were nice enough to go get the food for everyone. The three of us remaining visited and did the "wife" thing. I think, at this point in my life, just hanging out at the house and visiting like this is my favorite way to spend time with friends. You really get caught up and connected, it just feels good to me and reminds me of family get togethers when I was a kid.

    Soon the food was back and we all ate. It was yummy. The little one had her own table and chair and ate with us. She's so stinkin' cute. Someone, who shall remain nameless, tried to push "chicken on a stick" to everyone... it was funny. I personally ate like I was starving. I felt like I was. Not sure why. When dinner was over we moved back to the living room and continued our catching up, occasionally talking about whatever was on TV or work or kids. We talked about birth plans, or the lack thereof, we talked about breast feeding and all things baby. We even talked about guns and marijuana. It was a very interesting range in conversation.

    I was going to go out to Mandy & Steve's and spend some time, but I didn't hear back from Mandy, so I figured they probably had date night or something. Or they might have just vegged at the house. No telling to be honest. I need to check in today and see how the weather was there last night and what they are up to. I got an invite to join some friends this afternoon at a campground we frequent... I don't know if I will or not, that would put me home alot later tonight than last night from a longer distance, kinda makes me apprehensive. But you never can tell what I might do!

    I ended up being out later than I intended, time snuck up on me. I think it was 10:45 by the time we cleared out of there. I drove home, the rain had thankfully stopped, feeling somewhere between ready to be home and settle in for the night and a bit apprehensive about coming home so late by myself (remember, it was the first night of nights... takes me some time to adjust). I got home right around 11:15. I came in, let the pups out, let them back in and headed to bed. I wasn't concerned about being home alone, or having been gone for so long, or coming home to an empty house. I was, however, wide awake. I folded the clothes that I had washed earlier in the day and put them away. I also put away the clothes that I had unpacked from our Louisiana trip earlier that day. So all that was done. After that I made the bed. Lauren had washed the sheets and remade the bed, but the sheet wasn't tucked at all and it was all sliding off the foot of the bed. So I needed to fix that before I could get in bed. Once that was done I took my medicine (with chocolate milk) and grabbed a snack (sometimes late at night I feel so hungry, I don't like to eat so late, but sometimes there's no avoiding it) and then climbed into bed.

    I posted an update to Facebook and before long heard from a friend of mine in Louisiana. We sent each other messages back and forth till nearly 2:00 AM. I finally felt like I could go to sleep, told her I was out and snuggled up with the covers up to my neck. I was out in no time. I woke at 3:00 when the TV was doing its usual update... I hate that. I was sleeping so soundly. Fortunately after a quick trip to the potty I was able to go back to sleep without any trouble. I woke up again around 5:00 for another potty trip and right back to bed. I think it was around 6:30 when Tancy came in. I sent the puppies out to her (they carry on so when she comes in, I am not sure how to stop that) so that she could let them out to potty. Then I went to the potty myself and back to bed. Before long she was in bed with me, we talked for a minute or two and were both back to sleep pretty immediately.

    At 9:30 the puppies started carrying on again... I was not at all happy about that. They had already been out to potty, so that wasn't their issue, but they were probably ready for their breakfast. Still, I don't appreciate our two dogs waking me up when I've had so much trouble just getting to sleep. Oh well, just my morning grumpies talking. Soon enough I'll have a screaming baby waking me at all hours of the night and that'll just be that. I think that's why it bugs me with the puppies... it's like "Can't you just let me sleep while I can?!" Cause going back to sleep when Tancy comes in and sleeping till I wake up is quickly coming to a halt.

    Anyway, I got up, let the pups out. Apparently Hemmi didn't potty this morning early. Funny thing, he wasn't the one fussing in the bedroom. I made coffee and then let the pups back in and fed them. I fixed my cup of coffee and settled in to write this blog. It feels so good to go back through the events of a day/night, good or bad, it's just a great way to remind me of the things I am so thankful for or to help me let go of things that hurt. Very therapeutic.

    I have no idea what I might get into today. The floor needs to be swept, I might try to tackle that... I am intimidated by that, it usually does me in. But I hate to ask Tancy to do it before she goes to work. She didn't sleep yesterday at all, then worked all night. I will let her sleep as late as possible today. Tomorrow, around 1:00 the fam will be here to start cooking and just hang out.

    Oh, I almost forgot to share.... Last night, our friends expecting their second child shared some interesting information with me. I've already sent an email to our lawyer to share it with her and move forward. Apparently, according to preggo, she never got her new birth certificate (the hang up with Louisiana). She took her legal paperwork and her original (certified) birth certificate to the social security office and filed for a new social security card. Once she had that, she took her legal documentation and her new social security card (with her changed last name) to the DMV and got a new drivers license. She never requested a new birth certificate, she still doesn't have one, and she didn't need one to get a new social security card. Now, I don't know if this process wouldn't be the same for me (like maybe behind the scenes they contacted her state of birth and had to have their approval or something) because Louisiana practices different legal process, or if it will work... but if our lawyer agrees, we are certainly going to give it a shot. As far as NC is concerned, I am legally a Dean... but social security isn't NC, so I am just not sure what to expect. I will keep you posted, but I am presently hopeful that we could have solved our problem. We shall see.

    Alright kidders, I am going to sign off of here and see what trouble I can get into. I hope that you all have a great day today. I think it is suppose to be gorgeous here, Mom says its gorgeous there too. I am very glad to hear that... I am sick to death of the rain!

    I am sending lots of love to Casie and her family. Her grandmother-in-law is still not doing well last I heard, no change. Her husband is still not feeling well either. So I am sending them well wishes today.
    To my dear Aunt Jan-E-Poo, I hope she's having a GREAT time in Missouri with her Mama. Post some pics or something for us!

    Ok, love to all!

  • Friday morning (anticipating the first night of nights)

    Good morning all. It is currently 8:30, I have been up since 7:30 and trust me I wasn't happy about it.

    Yesterday I got quite a bit done. Today there's more yet to do. I got all our groceries repackaged for freezing and the freezers organized. The little freezer above the fridge is anything but meat. The big freezer is primarily meat and large items. I also cut up 6 bell peppers (red, orange and yellow) and put them in ziplocs and froze them for future use. I feel pretty good about the prep work I got done. I still want to get some bags of frozen veggies. Probably the steam fresh because they can be cooked in their own packaging in about 5 minutes. What could be easier?!

    I managed to get some pyrex containers so we can freeze food and then cook it in the same container when we are ready for it. Gosh those things are expensive. I need a couple of bigger pyrex containers, but they only had those bundled with the smaller ones (which I don't need/want). I got another box of the rubbermaid containers, I like those, they have a good seal on them so they will be great for the freezer too (though obviously not the oven).

    I found two containers that will seal air tight that I am going to put all the bottle and breast pump stuff in once its all sterilized. That way it can sit out or be put away and I wont have to worry if it needs sterilized again before use. I am thinking I will probably clear out a spot in one of the cabinets to keep it for now, but once Lillie is here and its being used alot it'll probably just sit on the counter for a while.

    Today (or rather this evening after Tancy leaves for work) I want to get the laundry done and general picking up around the house. I need to finish unpacking our clothes from our trip (I have primarily focused on Lillie's things up to this point). Dishes need to be done. I am hoping I can get Tancy to make a trip to the dump before she goes to work this evening... I've got a pile of stuff in the kitchen that needs to be taken out (plus all the meat packages that need to go too).

    I just can't tell you how proud I am to have gotten all the Thank You cards done. It is a relief. I am fairly certain though that I am going to need more thank you cards for the shower here... If I only send out as many for NC as I did for LA I don't have enough. I don't know what to expect really.... about 56% of those invited were there and/or participated in the shower in some way. Yes I know that's obsessive to know that and don't misunderstand, it isn't that I am keeping track of who did and didn't come, I am just trying to make sure I have enough Thank You cards. Mom was telling me that sometimes people wait till after the baby is born to send a gift... so how do I prepare for that?! I guess I am just trying to prepare for things that just aren't possible to prepare for.

    Ok, that just took 30 minutes... I decided to change the format of the addresses in my excel spreadsheets so that the next round of Thank You cards I can just print address labels for everyone. Yay me. Wish I had done that for the first round, but ya live and learn!

    BRB. The phone calls.
    Ok, that was Angie. Nice conversation.

    So Tancy is up now and I should probably get off of here and spend some time with her. Tonight is going to be rough... she was up before 10:00, not a good start to a well rested first night. Ugh.

    Hope everyone is having a great Friday.

    Love to all!

  • My day today

    So I caught ya'll all up on my blog from the last week this morning. I paid some more bills and balanced the checkbook again. I decided to go get some groceries and a few other miscellaneous items. Tancy was watching the guys build the shed and getting more and more anxious about putting all her stuff out there.

    I got dressed and headed out. I went to the Sam's Club in Hickory... it's nicer than the one in Gastonia. I got a ton of meat, ground meat, pork loin, chicken breasts, tilapia fillets, breakfast sausage, brats, lunch meat... I don't know what all else. I also got some bellpeppers to cut and freeze.

    Well, Tanc just got back with my freezer bags that I needed to finish up... so I'd better get back to it.

    Oh, her shed is up... but she's having to dig out part of a hill to get the mower in the door. We knew it would need some work, turns out it is much more than she expected. She's not been well with that. So, let me get back to work so once I finish getting everything in the freezer I can get started on dinner.

    I hope you are all having a great day!

    Love to all!

  • Question for Mom's/Mom's-to-be

    For the last week I have dreamed every night that Lillie is on her way.
    Not exactly like driving to the hospital, its a pretty vague dream. But
    it's more than just knowing she will be here soon... its more like
    she's coming now. I wake up worried about what we still have to get or
    do. I am so caught up in the dream that I could get up and pack my
    hospital bag right then!

    So my question is, is this something that pretty much everyone
    experiences? I know that vivid dreams are common and strange dreams are
    common as well. But this is the same dream every night. I am sure it
    changes some... like last night was the first time I dreamed about not
    having my bag packed... but its the same basic theme. Lillie is being
    born and I am completely unprepared.

    What kind of dreams did you have while you were pregnant?

  • Long awaited update - the fourth part

    Wednesday morning I was up around 7:00. I didn't want to be, but I was... and soon Lillie was kicking away, so much so I was sure Tancy could feel the bed shaking. My entire belly would move and wriggle and shake. It's funny and weird all at the same time. It makes me smile and even though it isn't always comfortable, I don't want her to stop. I know she's strong and doing well when she's kicking the crap out of me! Haha.

    I got up, made coffee, fed the dogs... my usual morning routine. We didn't have creamer, so once Tancy got up and could see clearly she left out for some. Finally I could have my coffee and feel human again... my head felt like it was full of cob webs. She brought back donughts, I had one, shouldn't have though. She went outside to cut the grass, I had a good talk with Mom. I miss them so much already. I had sent out my morning email and heard back from everyone. I think Marlie slept well. Casie and Chuck did too. Chuck still wasn't feeling great, but Casie was there to take good care of him and I had no doubt he'd be better soon.

    Once Tancy got back in from mowing the grass I was done with some of my immediately pressing chores and we unloaded the car. I woke Lauren up to look at all of Lillie's things and started putting things in the washer while Tancy put the cubby to the wall with the "L" brackets I have talked so much about! I had a FULL load (large load, not small) of Lillie's clothes on and was going through everything again deciding where to put it all and how to organize everything. Once all that was done the clothes were dry and I folded them and put them away (oohhing and aaahhhing over everything again as I showed it to Lauren). I put the 6 - 12 month clothes in a big ziploc bag to keep the clean till Lillie can wear them and did the same for the 12 - 24 month clothes that we had. I put arranged her dresser like I want it (for now... subject to change I am sure) and put her books and other items in the cubby that was now secured. We really got some nice things and having them all in her room really changes everything. I can't wait for her to be here.

    Tancy and Lauren headed outside to get the site ready for the shed and I started working on the Thank You cards. Wow. That's alot of work. I have never been good at generic Thank You's. I personalize each and every card... so it took me a good long while. I had only just finished addressing them all and making sure I had everyone when Tancy and Lauren came back in. They left out to go get some lunch and I kept working on the cards. I was less than half through writing them when they got back with lunch. I don't know how long they took me, I had about 26 to write, but they are all done now. In the mail box waiting on the mail carrier to take them away. Glad to have it done. It seems easier to write them sooner, when everything is still fresh and the thankful and loving feelings are still right there at the surface than to wait and just be over it. I want everyone to know how much we appreciate not only the gifts but just having them there. Truly, what means the most is that they were a part of our day, to celebrate our little Lillie. I believe that she is very much loved and that makes me so very happy!

    Once the Thank You cards were done I paid some bills and balanced the check book. It was good to get that done. Our neighbor is suppose to start work on our back yard soon and I needed to make sure the funds were still there. LOL. By the time I was finished with all of that I felt pretty crappy and just spent in general. We'd gotten an email from Casie that Chuck had a doctors appointment to see what was going on, we were glad to hear that. But also that his grandmother isn't doing too well. Her blood pressure is way down and they are concerned that they wont be able to get it to come back up. My heart goes out to them... please keep them and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

    We went into Lillie's room to look around, its coming together nicely. I still have a few things to take care of, but all in all I am pleased. Tancy even re-hung the mirror to make sure it was good and secure. She also put the "L" on the wall that Casie, Chuck and Marlie gave Lillie. It looks good. I am so happy and excited.

    Tancy thawed out some shrimp and corn soup and we had that for dinner and watched some of our DVR shows. We'd gotten a bath early and just tried to hang out and relax some. We ended up watching TV till 11:30 I think and finally drug our sorry asses to bed. I took a Tylox (new thing, pain in my left hip, inside... feels like a ligament or something being torn... makes it very difficult to walk) hoping to ease some of the body pain I was having and to just sleep. I doubt I would have had any trouble sleeping, but my body was hurting. I woke up a couple of times to pee... wow, it gets harder and harder to roll my pudgy self out of bed!

    I woke up at 7:43 (the shed people were going to be here at 7:45) and got Tancy up. I made coffee, she fed the pups and moved her truck. I guess they were here around 8:15. She met them outside and they were tickled that they could: drive right up to where they were building it, that the blocks were already in place, that there was an electrical outlet within reach. So the guy told her that it would go alot faster. Before long he was at the door again, the guy that did the site inspection had directed us to get too many blocks, he wanted to make sure it was alright with us that he take that down. Tancy told him absolutely. So we should be able to take those back.... provided that Tancy doesn't find something else she needs them for.

    I need to get some groceries today and cook something. I am in need of something home cooked. Not sure what it will be, but I can tell you pretty certainly that it wont be fried! Haha. Tancy goes back on nights tomorrow night. We are having Easter dinner here at the house on Sunday. Ty, Val, Lauren & Mandy will come over... that way Tancy gets to see everyone and have time to eat before she has to leave for work.

    Monday I go back to the OB. I think I've got something else on the schedule for that day too. Tuesday (I'll be 31 weeks) we get the dogs groomed and I go to the chiropractor. Wednesday looks open and Thursday Tancy is back on days for 4. I believe, if I am not mistaken, the next week kicks off our classes at the hospital. Next week marks the pace change in our schedule... it'll speed up and stay pretty busy through May. Wow. Gonna go fast!

    So I think that catches ya'll up on just about everything. There are parts of it I could go on and on about... but I don't have the energy for that right now. LOL. I talked on the phone to Tancy's Mom this morning about what we got at the shower and what we still need. Jessi, Zach and Nana are coming down for the shower. I think Missy is coming as well and possibly even one of Ms. Sue's (Nana) friends too. They'll have a caravan before its all said and done. It'll be nice to have as much of her family here for the shower as can make it. I know how much the yall mean to her, and to me as well. We are looking forward to having everyone here. As much fun as it is to visit family and friends, there's something really wonderful about having them here at our home (even if we don't have room to house everyone... you know what I mean). It allows us to truly share our life with them in a way that we can't share it by going to them. And of course there are our truly wonderful friends here whom we are so fortunate to have and we enjoy sharing our family with our friends. It should be a great time!

    Alright kids, I need to move around a bit. I don't know how much longer the shed people will be here, then we have some things to get done with that and a few things I want to get done today (like groceries). I hope you all have a great day. Please remember to keep Casie's in-laws in your thoughts and prayers. We are sending out our love to everyone and many thanks for everything (love, gifts, support, friendship).

    Love to all!