April 12, 2009

  • Easter Sunday and Lillie's excited!

    Good morning all. I hope this finds you all doing well. Hopefully planning some family time today. That's what Easter Sunday is about to me, time spent with family.

    So yesterday, once Tancy got up, I didn't do too much. I got a shower, she got a bath. We tried to watch some of our DVR shows, but neither of us were that interested. I made us some lunch (taco salad without the salad, haha) and we just caught up on each other's day/night. She had a splitting headache, so we also tried to get that to go away. Coffee, medicine, etc. She left for work with the headache, I felt bad for her.

    After she left for work I swept the floor. I had been having some sciatic issues most of the evening at that point, burning pain up my back instead of down my leg. She had me ice it... I don't know if that helped or not to be honest, but I did it. So once I was done with the ice I swept the floor. I needed to get a few things done before everyone gets here today and thats a big one that is hard to do while Tancy is sleeping. I got it done and knew as soon as I put the dust pan up that I was done for. I had been having some cramping, lower back pain and pressure... so I decided it would be best to take myself to bed. I got myself a snack or two (I'd had a late lunch with Tancy but wasn't feeling hungry for dinner), popcorn and fruit, and headed to the back. It was about 8:00 when I got into bed. I took a tylox just to try to get some relief from the burning pain in my back (didn't figure it would change much of the rest I had going on).

    I got a note pad out and wrote down some questions I have for the doctor on Monday. Up to this point I really haven't asked alot of questions. 40 weeks is such a long row to hoe that I just took it one visit at a time and did my research online or in books... or just waited till closer to the end to ask. Well, its getting close enough to the end that I am starting to ask questions now. I also want to make sure to talk to her about the sciatic issues growing increasingly worse... not because I think there's anything to be done about it, just good for them to know about any issues I am having. I want to talk to her about what I had going on yesterday, nearly 5 hours of the lower back pain, cramps and pressure... any one of them singularly isn't a big deal, but all three together I just want to be sure that's normal stuff at this stage. Then there are the questions about labor and delivery that I have. I think I only have 5 or 6 things total to talk to her about, so that isn't alot really. I try to work in a hand full of questions (if I have them) at each visit instead of taking in a note book full. LOL. I don't really have that many questions in general though and try not to over think it all.

    So I made my notes and ate my popcorn. I also had 4 clementines! I love oranges, always have, and while I've been pregnant I can't eat just one. After all that I settled in to try to sleep, it was about 9:30 at that point. I looked for something on TV for a while, found a channel and got completely situated in bed. I was asleep by 10:00. I woke up at 11:15, 1:30, 4:45 and then at 6:30 just before Tancy got home. I did my usual, sent the puppies out to her when she hit the door, made my potty run and crawled back into bed. I wasn't sure, once she got in bed, if I would be able to go back to sleep or not. I had already slept 8.5 hours (a good hour and a half longer than I usually do) and that was good, hard, sound sleep. But guess what?! I did!! I slept till 8:45 and decided I should quit while I was ahead. It's been quite a while since I slept nearly 11 hours and I enjoyed every minute of it. This morning is also the first morning in a while I didn't wake up pissed for being awakened before I was ready. Yay!

    I also woke to my little one moving away. She must be rested too because it's an hour later and she's still moving around in there. Now that'll surely make you smile first thing in the morning, feeling your baby moving around inside your belly, letting you know she's awake and strong. Even if it keeps you from sleeping, it still brings a smile and makes your heart full. She's excited that its Easter I think. Haha! Her Nana Sue made her her very first Easter basket. It is in her room, put away, until she's big enough to carry it to hunt easter eggs.

    This morning my sciatic is still burning away there in my hip. Thankfully its less intense than it was yesterday and it isn't traveling, just specific to one spot, burning a hole in the back of my hip. I can live with that. I'll put some ice on it in just a bit. Then I'll get a nice hot shower and see if that helps me out. Mandy is doing most, if not all, of the cooking today, so I don't have to be on my feet and that is a great thing. I do, however, need to pick up a bit before everyone gets here. I have the baskets from the shower (with shells and nets) on the coffee table till I can figure out what I want to do with them. I have the gigantic bag of clothes that Lil Jenn & Slo Jen sent us on the love seat waiting for me to go through them. I also have food on the counter in the kitchen that needs to find a home in the pantry. I will probably work in small steps. Do one or two things and sit down a bit. Then do something else and take a break. That way I don't over do it. Given yesterdays discomfort I just don't want to find myself back there. I don't like taking medicine at all while I am pregnant and I definitely don't want to have to take tylox more than once in a great while.

    Tomorrow a friend of ours is suppose to come by some time between the time Tancy gets up and the time we have to head out to the doctor. It'll be good to see her for a bit. It seems like there was something else I wanted/needed to do tomorrow, but it escapes me now. Hopefully we will hear back from the lawyer about applying for my social security card based on the information we received from our friends. If so, I'll go by there and pick up my paperwork so I can take care of that this week. I am anxious to hear from her about it. At some point I also need to take the car in to get the oil changed, but I doubt that will happen on Monday.

    I am trying to decide about going ahead and getting a few things on our registry that I don't think we will get as gifts. Breast pump items. The membranes and breast shields. I wouldn't think those would be items that people would buy off the registry. I mean, doesn't everyone either go for the "Aawwww" factor or the "Wow! That's gonna be really useful"? I know I buy for either of those myself. Usually though I just buy a nice wicker basket and fill it with bath stuff, diaper rash stuff, mylicon, tylenol and then a glow worm and toys of some sort... it's practical and the basket can be used for dirty clothes or toys or whatever. Maybe once Lillie is born my baby shower gift giving style will change... I'll truly know what is really needed and useful. So, I'd like to go get those items that I don't think anyone will buy... but I'm not sure if I should. If I do, I can put together all my breast pump stuff and be done with that, one more thing marked off the list ready to go.

    Yesterday I went into the registry and took some items off the list. We had gotten some items at the shower in Louisiana that were on the registry, but for whatever reason didn't come off the registry (maybe they were bought some place else, doesn't matter). Since we don't need more of those items, I just took them off. After the shower here in May I'll go back through and look at what we still need and what we just would have liked to have had and go get what we still need (and maybe some of what we wanted depending on how much we're already spending, haha). Lil Jenn was telling me they got alot of stuff for the baby on the way at Once Upon A Child, which my sister and sister-in-law had told us about. But Lil Jenn said they didn't pay more than $3.00 for anything (I am assuming clothes wise). So, if you see an item on the registry that you want to get, go check at your local Once Upon A Child and see if they have one like it at a much lesser cost. We aren't concerned about whether something is brand new or not. If it's still in good, useable condition, thats really all that matters.

    I am gonna take a minute to call some folks out. Mom, Aunt Jan, Daniele haven't seen you in a while... what's up?! Haven't seen you blog, haven't seen you post pics, haven't even seen you read my blog. Come on ladies, you are slacking! I'd normally add Casie to that, but she's had so much family stuff going on lately, I'll cut her some slack. Aunt Jan, you'll be the first to fuss at me for not blogging.... where you at?!

    Alright kids. I hope you enjoy your day tremendously. Looks like it is going to be gorgeous here. I am so thankful for that. I've had enough rain for a while personally. But, if I remember the weather report properly, its suppose to rain tomorrow and Tuesday. Ugh! Anyway, have a great Easter.

    Love to all!

    P.S. How come so many people read my blog (I actually get alot of hits) and no one leaves comments? What's up with that??