April 12, 2009

  • Bored out of my gourd

    Hello all. Here I sit on Sunday evening, it's currently 7:20. Tylor and Val left around 4:30, Tancy left for work at 5:30 and not too long after Mandy and Lauren left too. I left shortly behind them to go get a gallon of milk. I just can't go a day without a glass of milk at this point.

    So I get to the store and figure I'll run in, walk around, I've got nothing more to do why not kill some time. I know I need milk, I've been wanting some orange juice... and honestly, what good is milk without some cookies?! I get to the grocery store, park the truck, get out, lock it and begin to walk in to the store. I see a guy get out of a van and I know instantly he's coming my way. Sure enough "Ma'am?". I keep walking but acknowledge him and let him walk toward me walking toward the store. He says that he's with his girlfriend and they are on their way to see family in VA after seeing family here, they are from SC. They have money, but all they have on them is $65 in food stamps and that if I would let him buy my groceries with his food stamps and give him the cash it would help them out with some car trouble they were having. I tell him that I can't help him. All I came for is milk and I've got too much month left at the end of my money and keep walking. He makes me uncomfortable, there's something about him that is neither honest nor trustworthy. Now, honestly, I don't mind helping anyone... but I am pretty sure he wasn't on the up and up. I head in to the store, now completely distracted, find someone and tell them they might want to check their parking lot and what is going on. I grab milk, orange juice and some cookies and out I go. An older couple, I'd say mid 60's is heading out the same time as me and the wife says "That girls gone". I turn to them, right behind me, and tell them a guy approached me. The story the girl gave them was that they were here visiting family and heading back to SC and they needed gas money. The lady, full of piss and vinegar asked her didn't she have family in SC (we aren't that far from the SC line) that could come help them?! Haha! I love it. The girl just turned on her heel and didn't say another word to the lady. After hearing the story the older couple was given I am sure that I did the right thing. Bothers me a bit though, I have to be honest. I don't like that set up and I don't like feeling like the bad guy because people run scams. I'd much rather be the good samaritan and help someone out in need than to be so sceptical.

    Needless to say I didn't peruse the store and kill any time, I got what I needed and got out. As I was driving off I saw the manager come out. I drove over to where he was and told him that they had apparently left. He thanked me and headed back in. I headed home. I get home, pour a big old glass of milk and put it in the freezer to chill for my cookies. I talked to Pops on the phone for a bit. It was good to hear his voice. I talk to Mom often, but Pops isn't real big on the phone thing, so we don't talk that often. I am wishing him good weather tomorrow so he can take a nice motorcycle ride.

    I've had my cookies and milk. They hit the spot. There's not one damn thing on TV and I am completely bored. There's nothing to do. I have managed to prevent my sciatic from acting up today and I'd really like to maintain that, so I am not about to take on any projects in the house. Mandy was an angel, not only did she cook all the food we ate for "Easter Dinner" she cleaned the kitchen before she left. So thats done. The laundry is caught up too. So anything that wouldn't be too physically demanding is done. I don't know if I can be in bed early again tonight. The puppies are here on the couch, sacked out! Scout was just snoring even.

    It's been a good day. I am just wide awake and not sure what to do with myself. I don't have any cross stitch stuff or scrap book stuff or maybe I would work on that... Oh well, I am sure I'll either find something to get into or just carry my ass to bed. I hope ya'll all have a good night too.

    Love to all!