April 14, 2009

  • Week 31! (9 weeks to go)

      Week 31 of Pregnancy

    31 weeks

    As your baby's senses increase, his mommy's breathing room decreases.

    are your diaphragm is feeling a little cramped these days. Okay, a lot
    cramped. That's because your uterus is pushing up against it, crowding
    your lungs and making it more difficult for them to expand fully. The
    result: Your body is spare on air, and will be until your baby drops
    near the end of pregnancy in preparation for birth. Your baby, however,
    is happy as a clam since he gets all the oxygen he needs through the
    placenta. Weighing in at three-plus pounds and measuring 18 inches
    long, he's quickly approaching his birth length though he's got to pack
    on another three to five pounds before D-day. Also developing at an
    impressive clip: your baby's brain connections (he's got to make
    trillions of them!). He's now processing information, tracking light,
    and perceiving signals from all five senses. He's also putting in
    longer stretches of sleep, which is why you're probably noticing more
    defined patterns of awake (and moving) periods and sleeping (pretty
    still) periods.

    Some of the amniotic fluid has to
    be removed at this point to make room
    for the growing baby so in essence
    that would mean you have about half
    as much fluid as you did about a month
    ago. Less fluid means less cushion
    and so you are likely to feel your
    baby's kicks and movements more intensely.
    However baby's movements are going
    to be less drastic and dramatic from
    this point on. Baby's lungs are maturing
    in preparation for life outside the
    womb. Baby is rehearsing at intervals
    by breathing in amniotic fluid and
    expelling it.

    Your weight gain by this time should
    be between 21 and 27lb (9.45-12.15kg).
    Since sleeping position is a problem,
    you are likely to wake up a couple
    of times in the night either to go
    to the washroom or to change positions.
    Uterus expansion and elevated hormone
    levels cause backache problems which
    may start to bother some of you around
    now. Plenty of rest is the solution.

    As you progress into your pregnancy,
    it gets very easy to get wrapped up
    in your own feelings and emotions
    that you lose sight of your husband's
    concerns and feelings. Make sure you
    give each other lots of chances to
    discuss your concerns about the pregnancy
    and the impending changes to lifestyle.
    Most expectant fathers take on the
    more traditional role by worrying
    about finances. The financial responsibility
    sits squarely on your partner's shoulders
    now that you are planning to quit
    your job, even if it is on a temporary
    basis. It is important to discuss
    the money factor with each other as
    it involves your baby's future.

    Well, we had our check-up yesterday and all is well. I actually lost 1 pound since I was there two weeks ago (bringing my total weight gain 5 pounds... technically speaking I am still at a 5 pound lost because I lost 10 pounds to start and have only put back on 5 of it). I don't know how I could have lost any weight with all we ate while we were in Louisiana, but I'm not complaining. My blood pressure was good 118/78. Lillie's heart rate was good 150. She's way high. Our doctor even remarked about how high she was when she found her heart beat up above my belly button!!

    I ended up with a pelvic exam. Just a precaution and a check based on the issues that I had on Saturday (primarily the cramping). I'm not dialated and I'm, once again, very high. All is well, nothing to be worried about. The exam wasn't as bad as I had prepared myself for, thankfully. So, we'll keep rockin' and rollin'. I have two more, two week appointments, then I'll be going every week. Seems like it's moving along pretty quickly at this point.

    I have started having trouble sleeping. My hips hurt so bad at night. I can only sleep on one side or the other, preferrably the left since my sciatic hurts so bad on my right... but no matter which one I am on, inevitably, that hip will start hurting me and I have to roll over. I am telling you, large whales are more graceful than me at this point. It's so hard to get turned over in the bed and once I do I just lay there panting and grunting, trying to recover some oxygen! My back in general hurts alot, well, hurts might be a strong word... there's alot of pressure, achy. Even sitting hurts, it's hard to find a comfortable position sitting, standing or laying down. Yay pregnancy. LOL!

    The breathlessness is not much worse than it was. I guess because she's always been up so high... I'll wake myself up at night feeling like I can't breathe. That's scary. It's much easier to take a deep breath in than to let a deep breath out. I don't know what sense that makes, but that's how it is.

    I seem to have had more issues since we got back from Louisiana. I don't know if that's just where we are in the pregnancy or me paying for that long trip. I'm thinking it is a little of both honestly. Emotionally I am feeling pretty good... always thankful for that. I am excited and happy about so much. Even when I am feeling kinda crappy physically I can get some relief just by having a better attitude about things.

    My boobs continue to be huge. Not that I expected them to get smaller at this point, but man! I am really afraid to see how much bigger they might get with breastfeeding, etc. Now I have the task of trying to figure out what size breast shields I need to fit "everything" like its suppose to fit. We looked yesterday, they make one called a "soft fit" (the cones that go on the breast pump) that is a soft material instead of the harder plastic. Suppose to make it easier with larger breasts. Trouble is, I have no idea what size I need... and how do you measure for that?! I don't want to spend $13.00 to try out a size and it not work (you can't take that shit back). Any advice on "fitting" for those things? I am open to suggestions.

    My appetite has decreased. Probably simply because there's less space in there. I still get hungry, but I eat much smaller portions. The heart burn can be so ridiculously overwhelming at times, its crazy. She's got to be pushing on all that making it inflammed. Those rolaids soft chews are a god-send!! They not only work for heartburn, but they work for gas... and if you've been pregnant, you know how terribly uncomfortable gas can be.

    One the positive side of it all (since all that sounds like negatives) I am so very happy. I feel great emotionally and mentally. Every now and then the hormones jump up and bite me in the ass, but for the most part I am in a good place. I am excited and nervous (in a good way). Its like waiting for Christmas morning to come, only better. I feel so appreciative of so very much, including our family and friends who are so wonderful and supportive. I love, love, love Tancy. She's been incredibly supportive and understanding. She takes great care of me and listens to what I need. I am very greatful to have such a wonderful partner.

    We went last night, after the doctor, to Concord. It basically became a date night, which was nice. We went to the Carter's outlet. They have alot of clothes 70% off!! We didn't buy anything, but they have such cute clothes. I got some underwear, found once we got home they are the wrong size... can't take them back, so I've got to get the right size today. Fun! We just had a great evening together. I'm such a lucky girl!

    Well kids... I need to get off of here. I gotta get ready to take the puppies to get them groomed and then off to the chiropractor. Then we'll come home and chill out probably. I think Tancy wants to work in her "Tanc Cave" today and get some of her tools, etc. out there. We shall see, I don't know what the weather is suppose to be like today.

    I hope you all have a great day today. I probably wont post again until tomorrow.

    Love to all!

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