September 13, 2009

  • Quick Check In

    Like everything else at this point, I must multi-task as I blog... like every other night, I am pumping while I blog. That way when I get done with it all I can wash bottles one more time, get a shower and get in bed!

    Today was a pretty good day. I went to Mandy's earlier in the day rather than waiting till Tancy left for work. I thought that better for Lillie since she's been so cranky in the evenings lately. So let's see, back track to where I left off last night:
    I was asleep about 9:00, up at 11:00 to pump. Back to sleep after washing bottles and up again at 3:00, back in bed around 3:30, up with Lillie for a bottle at 4:30. Back in bed at 5:00, Tancy home around 7:30ish, Lillie up at 8:30. Whew. Good thing I went to bed early last night! Talked to Mandy around 10:00 and decided to head on over there and be home for when Tancy would normally be up.

    We had a good visit, but around noon (true to form) Lillie started getting fussy. Had a bottle, that appeased her for a bit, but not for long. As soon as lunch (steaks) was ready I ate and as soon as I was done we headed home. Lillie was asleep within minutes of pulling out of the driveway. She slept part of the way home. When we got home I could tell she was still sleepy, so I swaddled her and put her down for a bit more of a nap (this is about 2:30). She slept for a little more than an hour I guess. She was in a good mood for a while, then she was ready for a bottle. Tancy fed and then handed her over to me so she could eat. That's when the shit hit the fan, nearly literally... Lillie had a shitastrophe! It came out of the side of her diaper and in my lap. Poor baby. Tancy cleaned her up and I cleaned me up. She was calm for a while. Tancy left for work and it wasn't long that Lillie started getting a bit cranky, not too bad. So I decided to give her a bath. She loves her bath, she was in a great mood! But her eyes gradually started getting heavier and heavier. I got her out of the bath and put her pj's on her after some lotion. She was a bit cranky and I decided to offer her a bit of a bottle just in case after all that pooping she was hungry. She took about three swigs and was out. I swaddled her and put her down. She hasn't made a peep. I did check in on her, sleeping soundly.

    So I called Mom and Dad to check in. Nothing exciting there, waiting on time to go to bed. LOL. I decided I would try to get a few things done around the house before it was time to pump again. I managed to clean the kitchen and sweep the floors. Then I dust mopped the floors too. I moved the living room furniture and all. It felt so good to get that done. It seems like it has been forever since I did the floors. I could still mop, but I am tired and really want to get in bed early again tonight. After the floors I put bottles together and washed the bottles in the sink.

    I am pumping now, once that is done I will wash those bottles up and head to the back for a shower. That will feel so good! Then to bed.... maybe a scooby snack, though I am trying to do better about not having a snack every time I am up to pump. That certainly wont help my weight. I have felt some better today, a bit tired, a bit disconnected, but better than a couple of days ago.

    Tomorrow I need to get some groceries, but I really need to clean out the fridge first. I am not sure how that will work out, but if I can, I will.

    Tancy has off Tuesday and we are going for our flu shots. I am going to try not to have much of anything else to do that day so we get to enjoy some family time. Gosh, I have missed spending time with Tancy. Then Wednesday she's back to nights for four nights in a row this time. I'll be glad when this outage is over.

    Well kids, its about that time. Wanna check my facebook and tie up some loose ends. Good night.

    Love to all!