September 14, 2009

  • Ti-Red!

    Wow, last night turned out to be a long night. I was on the phone with AT&T till after 11:00, an hour and a half or better and still didn't resolve the issue. Then I was so twisted about all that I couldn't go to sleep. I finally dozed around 1:00... and Lillie was up for a bottle at 3:00. Got up, gave her a bottle, pumped and back in bed around 4:30 ish... and Lillie was up again at 7:00.

    I was half asleep feeding Lillie when Tancy came in, she took over the bottle and I pumped. She swaddled Lillie up to see if she would go back to sleep so I could get some rest, she might have slept for another 45 minutes or so and then she was bright eyed and bushy tailed. Ugh! Thankfully I had prepared the coffee pot the night before, which reminds me I need to do that again, so I was able to have some coffee pretty quickly. I gave her the rest of her bottle from 7:00 (she only took half) and another 4 ounces of formula! I got her dressed and then myself and we headed out.

    I decided to go by AT&T and have them look at my phone and Tancy's (now doing the same thing). I get there and turns out they don't test at that store, they don't test phones or cards at any store in the state! What?! But right then and there they started working! Ok, so I head to Wal-Mart (the devil) to get a few things we need. Then make a bee-line home. Lillie started getting fussy at check out but fell asleep on the way home. Yay! I stopped to get a burger because I hadn't eaten anything substantial since the steak at Mandy's house. Then home.

    She was happy in her car seat long enough for me to unload the car and put away the cold stuff. I then put her in her crib and let her watch her mobil, which she loves, if only the damn thing played longer. I got the fridge cleaned out, the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded and the laundry moved around before the fit started.

    And it didn't stop until her swaddle was dry at 2:00 and her Mom (Tancy) swaddled her up and put her to bed. She fussed for 4 minutes and was out. Awake at about 4:30 and hungry she had right at 7 ounces and was content.

    Tylor was here putting in his application for a job out at the plant, Tancy and I helped him as we could. I had made pork chops and stove top stuffing... Tancy and I ate just before Tylor got there. She left for work, he finished his application while I bathed Lillie and then ate some dinner himself. At 6:30 Lillie was so fussy I knew it was bed time. She fussed for less than 5 minutes. I swear she goes to bed earlier and earlier every day. I don't know what I am going to do when she's sleeping during the day and not at night... but I can't keep her awake. Tylor hung out a minute and headed home. I then stripped our bed and remade it and also stripped the guest bed. I'll wash all that stuff tomorrow. I also finished folding the clothes I had washed today. I am tired. Worn out.

    AT&T is suppose to call... I am almost done pumping and then I am getting in the tub, they are sure to call then!

    I have lots more, but I am just too tired!

    Love to all!