April 25, 2009

  • Sunny Saturday

    Good morning all. I hope this finds you all doing well. The weather here is absolutely gorgeous!! It feels so good to be outside in the sunshine. Yesterday got very near 90 degrees, it was warm, but still nice outside.

    We got up yesterday morning around 8:00. Tancy fed the dogs and made the coffee... I love it when she does that. As silly as it sounds, it is like vacation when I don't have to do those things... I have said this before, but it is so true and each morning that she does it only reinforces that feeling for me. We had time to drink our coffee and then it was time to get ready. We had an appointment to take Scout to the vet at 10:15 for her ears.

    We got out the door in plenty of time to make it to the vet. They were running behind because they were doing $5.00 rabies shots. But we finally got back there to see the doc. We like him. He isn't exactly the most personable, but he loves the animals that he sees and he's good at what he does. That matters the most. Anyway, turns out, Scout has a yeast infection in her ears... say it with me... "Poor baby". Anyone that has ever had a yeast infection knows how miserable that is, can you imagine that in your ears?? And to not have opposable thumbs with which to hold on to something that you could get in there to scratch?! Anyway, she got a shot that would give her some pretty prompt relief, a pill and a lotion. Hemmi has been licking her ears, the doc said to try to keep him from doing that. You see, Labs have all these issues, allergies, neuroses, etc. Their ears are a bit bigger and flop over their ear canal, so if any moisture gets in there it doesn't dry like it would for a dog with smaller ears. Thus the yeast infection. It might not have come from Hemmi licking, he might have been trying to help her, but it furthered it for certain. So, we got all her medicine and headed home.

    We took the back way home (not a short cut) just to not be on 321. And on the way home we decided to go ahead and paint the kitchen back to blue. We really didn't have anything else on our agenda for the day, and Tancy really really wanted it back blue. So we brought Scout home, gave her the first round of medicine and made sure they had plenty of water outside. We left them in the yard to play some and headed to Lowe's to get the paint and a piece for the back door. We then went to the pet store to get some salt for the aquarium and talk to him about some issues we have been having. Before it was all said and done I brought Tancy home to start on the kitchen and headed back with a water sample and a list of what we put in the tank. Our water tested good but we needed some trace elements in our water, so I got that and headed back home.

    By the time I got home my leg was really bothering me. It goes from being numb to feeling like there's 100 pounds of dead weight hanging off the outside of my leg. It's painful in a very strange way and it make my hip and its socket ache miserably. So when I got home I stayed put for long enough for it to ease up a bit. I talked to Mom on the phone for a while, she was on her way home from work. Then I started working on my inside plants. My Aloe desperately needs to be repotted, I run into this every spring. I was hoping to not have to repot it this year because I end up with sooo much of it. But, looks like I am going to have to bite the bullet yet again. Anyway, I pulled out all the dead stuff from all my plants (Aloe and Peace Lilly) and then watered them all. By the time I was done Tancy was almost done too. So I started putting things back where they go on counters, etc. Before too long it was almost all put back together.

    After putting the kitchen back, except what goes on the walls, we took the trash to the dump. Silly, but nice just to do things together, even riding to the dump together. The weather was so nice any reason to be outside was a good one. Then I decided it was a good time of the day for a slush from Sonic, ideally I would have preferred a snow ball, but I haven't seen alot of snow ball stands here. So we headed off to Sonic and ended up at Quizno's for our dinner. Back home we waited on Mandy and Steve to come get the truck. They were here and gone in a matter of 30 minutes. They were getting posts for a clothes line and a new mail box.

    We had a conversation earlier in the day about thinning out some of the trees in the back yard to give the prettier, smaller trees a chance to grow and fill out. So we went out into the back yard to take a look (and mark) the trees that can come out. All either pine trees or dead. We have quite a few oaks, pear trees, dog woods and holly trees. I think it would benefit those trees to thin the rest out a bit. We just want to be careful not to thin too much. We like our privacy in the back yard.

    Back inside we caught up on some shows we had on DVR. It was just a great evening, chilling out together and talking about anything and everything. I love evenings like that. The blinds open and the sunshine coming in, snackin' on whatever, watching TV or just talking, its great! I love my baby and I truly love spending time with her!! Fairly early I got a bath, the pollen is really getting to me and I needed to feel like I washed all that off from the walk in the yard. I have been feeling particularly miserable in the evenings for the last two evenings. I guess we were in bed by 8:00. We watched some more shows on DVR and by 10:00 we were both asleep.

    I guess we were up around 7:30 this morning. She made coffee, I fed the pups. Compromise. I can't expect her to do it all every morning while she's off. I don't think we have alot going on today. Tancy's gonna fix the seal on the back door at some point. Then we will head to Mandy's to see Lauren before she leaves for prom. Then there'll be a bon fire and some hot dogs. I gotta go get the stuff for pineapple upside down cake and get that done before we leave today.

    Tancy's already up and dressed. I am on the phone with Mom. I need to wrap this up and get dressed, Mandy & Steve are on their way over here to get something out of the car that they left and need. After they leave I guess I'll go get the stuff for the cake and get that taken care of.

    The weather is gorgeous, again. I am so happy about that, I can't even begin to tell ya. I plan to have a great day today. I hope you all do to!

    Love to all!