April 22, 2009

  • What to write about?

    Good morning all. How are you this fine Wednesday morning? I hope you are all doing very well.

    Wow, it's almost 6:00. I have been on the computer since Tancy left for work at 5:30. A complete crab ass this morning. Nothing entirely unusual, maybe a little worse this morning. I told ya'll that we switched sides of the bed so we can snuggle, which we haven't done in months because I require the body pillow to get comfortable. Well, that puts Tancy's alarm clock on my side of the bed, on top of the dresser... so guess who gets to shut it off? Me! This morning I think that is what kicked off my sweet and sunshining disposition. I already didn't sleep well and to have to hit snooze on the alarm (which meant getting out of bed) just didn't set well. I just stayed up at that point, snooze does me no good...

    Anyway, lets go back and start from yesterday where I left off. I got off the computer and went back to bed. At that time it was 7:00 and I slept till 10:00. I was amazed. I wasn't sure I would fall asleep at all and I certainly didn't expect to sleep that long! I woke up wide awake and feeling better. I made a few phone calls. I talked to State Farm, I think I mentioned having sent in receipts, etc. for the hail damage stuff (since our guy is STILL working on the repairs... but I wont get started on that this morning or my mood will tank). Well, they called to go over it and tell me that they will be sending the rest of the money less adjustments. Good deal. I talked to Gary, he's going to come over at some point this week to work on the quote for Lillie's wall. I am excited about that, not just the quote, but Gary coming over and hanging out for a bit.

    Before too long it was time to get a bath before heading out for my massage. It was a good bath. I even shaved my legs!! I know! LOL. Hey, it's gotta be done sometime. I also managed to moisturize, my skin has been predictably itchy. Let me just say, it takes alot of lotion to cover this body! Wow, I was tired by the time I was done with that. Haha. I got dressed and although it was early left the house. The sun was shinning and the wind was blowing. It was a nice day. I stopped at Wal-Mart first to pick up a few things and then off to my massage, I only got there about 15 minutes early, not too bad.

    The massage was fabulous. He took a little extra time to work on my hands for me. They hurt so bad when I try to grip something (like a coffee cup handle or anything that requires me to close my hand). Plus I seem to have no strength in my hands right now. He also showed me a few stretches I can do for my hand and my sciatic. He's a nice guy and I know he gives me a little extra time and attention every time. I am very appreciative. While I was there I also rescheduled the "spa time" we have for when Mom and Larisa get in. We moved it to Thursday after they get in so that we have all day Friday with Jan-E-Poo.

    I left there, went to the produce stand, picked up some fresh tomaotes and a head of lettuce. I had decided to make shrimp salad for dinner. It makes me think of my Paw-Paw when he was in "the big house" (no, I don't mean jail... that's what we called his house because it was huge!). It also makes me think of Uncle Louis, I guess because anytime we had it they were both there... I can't remember which of them actually made it. Anyway, it is delicious and fresh and light and it just makes me think of them. It's one of those memories that is triggered by site, taste and smell. I can see the kitchen and dining area when I think of shrimp salad. I miss them both.

    Anyway, I picked up the tomatoes and lettuce and headed home. I didn't do too much once I got home. I just wanted to enjoy the relaxed state my body was in... and my mind. Before too long though I got dinner going and before I knew it Tancy was calling to tell me she was on her way home. I got the salad finished and was waiting on her, bowl in hand, when she walked in the door. We both had two bowls. Delicious.

    We caught up on some shows we had on DVR. She made me brownies. We just enjoyed the time together. I guess it was 9:00 or so when we headed to bed. Neither of us were awake for very long. But my slumber was short lived. I woke up at 10:54 thinking it was time to get up. My bladder was full like I'd slept for 14 hours, so painful. I was sweating and my hips were hurting. I got back in bed after my trip to the bathroom and tried to settle back in. I managed to pass out again, exhausted, but the rest of my night went much the same... wake up, hurting and hot with a full bladder. Sometimes I would wake up without a full bladder, thank god for small favors, and turn over or try to find a more comfortable position. I didn't have alot of luck with that. Between the body pillow and Tancy I felt some what hemmed in, with just a spot the size of my body (not one word!) to turn over in... do you know how hard that is to do big and pregnant?! I slept uncovered, I would fall asleep, cover up and wake up hot. It was a long night. Then the alarm went off and you already know how I felt about that.

    Up, let the puppies out, start coffee, turn on the TV and the morning news, let the puppies in, feed the puppies, fix our coffee and park my ass on the couch to watch for the weather report. Give Tancy the weather report, answer her questions, try not to be a t-total bitch to her... there's really no reason for that. See her off to work and then get on the computer. Now you are all caught up.

    Today I need to clean the kitchen back up. No big deal, just need to put a few things in the dish washer. I'd also like to clean our bathroom at least. Just the usual stuff. I have the laundry caught up thankfully. I need to dust. I'd love to do the floors again (Tancy just did them on Monday) but my back just cannot take it. I can push the "shark" around though, might have to do that. The game plan is for me to meet Tancy for lunch today at the pavillion. That will be nice. I'll have to remember to wear something a bit warmer than I normally would. The high today is 69 and the pavillion is on the lake... so that wind will be a bit cool.

    Pops leaves tomorrow to go watch a nascar race, if memory serves. Don't ask me where, I don't remember. I hope he has a good time though. He surely deserves a vacation away from work and chores.

    Who knows what Mom will get into while he's gone. She might just clear the calendar and enjoy having nothing at all to do! Never can tell about her, but I hope she has a good time doing whatever it is she decides to do.

    Casie's been hard at work planning Marlie's birthday party according to her facebook updates. I will be excited to see the invitations. I wish I could make it, but I really don't see how that's possible. Even if Lillie came early (or late) it really isn't feasible... I still want to be there though.

    Mandy's been working on the shower plans for May. I gave her shit yesterday, when she called for MORE information from us. LOL. I told her I didn't think we were suppose to have to do anything. We got the place, what else could you want?! Haha. I am just kidding of course. She has her test today on all the training she's done for her new job. It determines how soon she's on the floor taking calls. I hope she does well, I know she will be fine.

    Not much else to report really. I could so go back to bed. I am tired and cranky... but given the fact that I really want/need to get some things done in the house today and I will be meeting Tancy for lunch, I should probably get off of here and get to work on a few things. I can probably have it all done before its time to get ready to meet her. We'll see how ambitious I am today... I haven't been even slightly ambitious the last few days.

    Alright kids, that does it. I am going to put on something other than my Maw-Maw night gown, crank up the tunes and get some work done around here before the mood leaves me. I hope you all have a great day today. It's hump day, half way there!!! Sending out love and positive energy to everyone today.

    Love to all!