April 18, 2009

  • WTF am I doing awake so early on a Saturday?!

    Good morning all. I say that just to be polite at this point... there's nothing good, in my mind, about being awake before 5:00 on a Saturday morning. Long gone are the days of being up all night, partying, and just getting to bed at 5:00 in the morning. Coming soon are my days of up all night with a baby, midnight feedings and dirty diapers. But this morning, I am especially offended to see such an early hour. So! I hope that you all have a more pleasing morning this morning. It is, after all, Saturday. That is something to be happy about for most everyone, seeing as it means no work. I hope you have some fun things planned for today.

    Wow, I was productive as all get out yesterday! You know my morning routine, it doesn't change much from morning to morning... just earlier or later. If Tancy is off, sometimes I get lucky and she takes over and I don't have to lift a finger, those mornings are divine! After my blog I tidied up around the house which didn't take long since everything was basically already in its place. But the kitchen needed cleaning, dishes needed done and I desperately needed to clean out the fridge. So I got the dish washer unloaded and reloaded and turned that on. It wasn't a full load, but I knew, with cleaning out the fridge that I'd have too much for one load (I presently am not about hand washing dishes unless it is something that has to be hand washed). So, while the one load was in process I began cleaning out the fridge. Wow, it is both sad and disgusting how much food we waste. That isn't exactly fair, we have gotten some better, but we've also cooked very little recently. And, now we have the freezer, I can freeze that big batch of spaghetti before it goes bad and has to be thrown out... or the roast... or whatever it might be. So I am hoping that helps. I don't like wasting and wasting food is just a terrible thing. By the time I finished cleaning out the fridge, putting things back in a sensible order and emptying containers, the washer was finished. I unloaded the clean dishes and reloaded with dirty dishes. Again, not a full load... but the two wouldn't have made it in one load. I turned that load on and took the trash bag with the food in it outside. Back inside I wiped down counter tops, found new homes for the items that have been sitting on the counter tops, cleaned the stove and even washed my sugar container (how does that get so gross?). I refilled my coffee canister, creamer bottle and sugar container. I cleaned out the junk drawer, again, and put things in their appropriate homes. I also managed to get the batteries in an organizer and organized to be able to get what I need (my breast pumps alone take a ton of batteries). I broke the coffee pot down and ran a cleaner through it. I even got my tupperware cabinet reorganized and my silverware drawer as well. Lastly I wiped down cabinet doors (just a quick pass) for good measure, it needs some more attention, but squatting is uniquely challenging at this point. I ran a cycle of water through the coffee pot and moved on to my next project.

    Now, let me say, I am pretty sure I ate all day long yesterday. Before I started on the kitchen I had some cottage cheese and mandarin oranges. Prior to that I had only had my coffee. After I finished in the kitchen I decided I was hungry again and made myself a sandwich. I then noticed that my ever growing belly was catching all the crumbs from my sandwich... bummer. I had already talked to Missy on the phone and my Mom, both great conversations. I can't wait to see both of them in May. Missy might even make it down for Lauren's graduation. That's just one of the things I love about Missy, she makes every effort (and it's got to be hard to work it all out with her work schedule and now that she and her husband have separated and share custody of the kids... there's alot to coordinate) to come here and be a part of what we have going on. I am always so appreciative of her.

    After my sandwich I decided it was far too beautiful outside to spend the day inside. I had already pulled all the blinds up to get some good sunshine in the house, it was a bit cool to open the windows at that point, but I knew I just had to get outside. So once the dew had dried off the grass good I headed outside (mind you I only stopped for about 15 minutes from the kitchen to the next chore). I got the mower out of the shed, that's a bit tricky and was off to mow the front yard. The new mower is nothing like the old one, it is much nicer and does a better job by far. I think it was the right choice for us. I just took my time and got the yard done, rolling up my shirt sleeves to get some sun on my shoulders even. I used the mower to blow the grass off of the driveway (I'd like to get a blower one of these days) and then to the back yard. I wasn't ready to give it up just yet, so I made a pass in the back yard too. I parked the mower to cool off before I washed it off and put it away, grabbed my pruning clippers and headed back to the front yard. My butterfly bushes needed to be cut back and today seemed like just the day to do it. I got through 3 of the 5 before I decided I might better call it a day and finish the other two tomorrow. I came inside and I believe I got another snack. Oh! I had some peaches and water. I sat the can of peaches on my belly and Lillie would kick it. Never enough to knock it off, but she was moving it pretty good. I bet she could have kicked it off for just a little bit!! It made me smile.

    Then I decided that I would put out all my feeders. I have two (missing one more) humming bird feeders and 4 bird feeders that fill with seeds. I made up the humming bird food (syrup) and put that out first. Then I put the seed in the other feeders. I then decided to clean up the carport. I moved everything around, swept all the leaves out from under the landing, put everything under the landing for now (it all goes either in the shed or under the house... but hasn't been moved yet) and then gathered up the leaves (full of insulation) and put them in the trash... I couldn't do what I would otherwise do and sweep them out into the side yard because of the insulation. I got everything as organized as I could and it looks better already. I can't wait until its completely cleaned out!

    I washed off the mower and put it away and then I headed inside for another snack. I had cookies (2) and milk (a small glass) this time. I am telling you, I ate all day long!! I decided to call it a day, it wouldn't be long before Tancy would be calling because she was on her way home and I wanted a shower before she got home, so there was no point taking on another project. But then I decided that I needed to check out the coffee pot and see how clean it had gotten. Not clean enough for me. So I got out the vinegar. I scrubbed the inside with a wash rag first, getting as much of the build up out as possible. Then I ran a cycle of vinegar and water through the pot and then another cycle of clean water through the pot. After that was done I took a wash rag to the inside again... I got everything out of it that is coming out without something more than vinegar and a cotton wash cloth.

    About the time I got cooled off good our next door neighbor came over with a trencher to bury our down spouts and air conditioner run off for us. I looked like hell, but who cares?! He and his worker started and I basically stayed in the house. They were almost done when Tancy called to say she was on her way home. Sandy had called and wanted us to meet her to see a friend of ours play, I talked to Tancy about it and she decided that she was up for it. I still hadn't had my shower. Wow. David was done before I knew it and told me he'd be back to put the last piece of pipe down for the ac run off and what needed to be done to attach the down spouts when our guy finally finishes that. They were on their way and I couldn't get the blinds down and to the back for a shower fast enough!

    By the time Tancy got home I was mostly dressed and only had to finish getting dressed and dry my hair. She fed the fish, let the pups out to potty once more before we left and I was ready just that quick. We headed out to meet up with Sandy and snag a bite to eat on the way. Burger King, hit like a ton of bricks. I don't know why, but I ate it so fast I am not even sure I chewed it. We got to the coffee house where our friend was playing at about 7:45 - 8:00. I was exhausted already, but glad to hang out a bit. They played well and we enjoyed the company. Tancy and Sandy played checkers like two old people. It was entertaining to say the least. I guess it was probably 9:15 or a bit later when we got out of there and headed home. By the time I got in the car to leave my back (on my right side) was burning from my sciatic and my left hip was hurting as well. I was a mess and really just needed to be in bed.

    Tancy talked to her Mom on the way home. I just tried to keep quiet, I hurt so bad it was hard not to grunt or groan all the way... even driving was a challenge at that moment. That kind of discomfort makes me prickly. I think Tancy took it to mean I was in a bad mood or something, but I honestly just was trying to get home and get my legs up, hopefully get a little relief. The hip I can take, the numbness I can handle... but when the burning up my back starts its a whole new ball game. We made it home and I struggled to get up the stairs, that's the really messed up part of my left hip hurting like it does, it feels (constantly) like I have a muscle tearing or something and when I put weight on it, it feels like it is going to go out. Anyway, I got in and to the back only to find that I had some clothes on the bed that I needed to tend to first. This frustrated me because all I could really even wrap my brain around was getting in bed. I just pushed forward and got it done, I got everything folded (it was just a few things, but god it seemed like it took an eternity to get it done) and put away, my robe hung up and in the closet, changed my clothes and hung up what I'd just taken off, put what was dirty in the hamper, made a potty run (better now than once I am comfortable) and all the other stuff that I do before bed (alarm set, fan on, light out, bathroom door closed, noise maker on, cell phone off) and lastly took my medicine. I winced and crawled into bed and got myself situated, grunting the whole time. I swear, I felt like a beached whale... there seems to be soo much of me to get situated right now... this has to be on top of the pillow for proper support, this has to be under the pillow, that has to have a pillow keeping it from touching the other and yet another pillow has to prop something else up. It's alot to orchestrate. I managed it all, got comfortable and just prayed for sleep to come soon. I honestly can say that if I'd been awake feeling that way for much longer I would have been reduced to tears. Thankfully I didn't have to contend with that, I was asleep pretty quickly.

    Last night I slept a bit better than the last few. I was up at 2:13 to pee. I turned over a couple of times, but I slept incredibly hard when I was asleep. I didn't have any episodes of laying in bed awake looking at the clock. So, at this point, I would call that a good nights sleep. Funny how that definition has changed!

    This morning my routine was a bit different. See, yesterday, after all my efforts to get the coffee pot cleaned up and looking brand new I decided to set the timer on it so the coffee would be done when I got into the kitchen. So when Tancy's alarm went off and I realized that she'd gotten up and started getting ready I rolled myself out of bed and headed into the kitchen to see if I had set the timer right. I knew it had coffee and water in it, so worst case scenario I would just have to turn it on myself. But as soon as I rounded the corner into the kitchen I could smell the coffee. Oh my god! So good. I let the pups out and got their food ready while I was waiting on them to potty (since I didn't have to get the coffee going). They came in and ate and I fixed our cups. And let me just tell you, I was feeling some kind of crabby this morning.

    I sat on the couch sipping on my delicious coffee, trying to get the dogs to GET OFF ME! Hemmi wants too much attention so early in the morning. They just want to be right up my ass. I love them, but 5:00 in the morning isn't the time for licking my hand and getting in my face. Tancy joined me in the living room and had some coffee. I think we talked some... honestly I don't remember. I was focused on trying not to be a bitch. She took the truck to work today, I need to take the car in to get the oil changed and the headlight that is out fixed. I need to see what time they open and be there early so I can get back and work on the items left on my list. I need to get both bathrooms done and I want to finish trimming my butterfly bushes back. That's the game plan for the day for me.

    I am always amazed at myself... not because I am so amazing... but because I will have a morning like yesterday where all I really want to do is sit on my ass and do nothing all day. And then by 8:00 I am fully dressed and elbow deep in something. I don't stop for more than 10 minutes all day long and I get more done in a days time than alot of people (people that I know) get done in days. I am proud of myself for not doing what some women do (again, women I know) and act as if I am incapable of doing anything simply because I am pregnant. I can't say that I haven't used that at all, I don't think I have, but I am sure there have been instances where I wasn't feeling 100% and used that to not have to do something. Or simply allowed someone to do something because they didn't think I should be doing it while I am pregnant. But for the most part, I do what I've always done... even more in some circumstances. I mean I didn't weed eat or push mow yesterday, which still needs to be done. I'm not doing any heavy lifting, that's one thing I have steered pretty clear of since I found out I was pregnant (sure I have done some, but nothing like I did before I was preggers). I hope that some of this energy and motivation sticks. I can get alot done in a day at this point and I don't want to return to the days of doing absolutely nothing with my day. Those are depressing days. No, I am not talking about taking a break, I am talking about the days where I don't feel like getting dressed or brushing my teeth, the days where it's obvious I am not fully myself. I don't want those any more. I know I will have them, I guess that everyone does. I am just hoping for them to be farther between.

    A friend of mine from high school who came to the baby shower lost her grandfather yesterday evening. He's been sick for some time. I know he had parkinsons and I am not sure what other health issues he had... but he passed away after a long hard fight. Please send all your prayers and positive energy out to her and her family. He was a very important person in her life and I know it is a huge loss for them. I am sending my love and thoughts out to them today myself.

    Well kids, on that note I am gonna wrap this up. I hope that you all have a wonderful day today. Do something that makes your heart feel full and light all at the same time.

    Love to all!