April 19, 2009

  • For lack of a creative title

    Good Sunday morning everyone. I hope this finds you all doing well. Honestly, if any of you are up already, its a pity! It’s not quite 6:00 and I have been up for an hour already. Lucky me. I know, I have a shitty attitude in the morning… I am working on it… but it is what it is.

    It’s suppose to rain here today, all day. But I am thankful for the last two, absolutely gorgeous days. Friday I managed to be outside nearly the entire day. It was great. Yesterday I was out and about all day and that was good too.

    So here’s my recap of yesterday. I got off the computer and got ready to go to the car dealership to get the oil changed and the headlight replaced in the car. I was out the door by 7:00 and there just after 7:30. Me and the old folks… silver haired, coffee drinking, paper reading, been up since 3:30 old folks. All of us waiting on our vehicles to be serviced and then figure out what to do with the rest of our days. I had already made up my mind, on my way in I had passed a yard/plant sale that I was going to stop at on my way back home. Then I was going to get my tires rotated. After that I had a list of things to do when I got home. I was out of the service department by 8:15 and headed to the yard sale to look at plants.

    I was terribly disappointed with the plant sale. There were tons of plants. Unfortunately they were priced very high so I didn’t get anything. Bummer. I left there to have my tires rotated. I cranked up the tunes on my iPod and rolled the windows down and just enjoyed the cool, crisp morning breeze. The tire place was packed! I mean people waiting outside. There was no way I was going to wait that long or outside. So I called them and made an appointment for Monday morning.10:00 so I don’t have to be up to early, but if I do end up early I am not sitting and waiting on time to go get that done.

    I toured around the town square and headed for home. I kept a look out for any other plant sales. I really need some more lavender… but I need to keep it alive this time. I am just not sure why I’ve had so little luck with it thus far. I have a pretty green thumb. I also want some mint, it proved to be great for my heart burn. Additionally I want some more ivy… I couldn’t bring my ivy plants in this winter because we had the house on the market and that wasn’t very aesthetically pleasing to see them in the tub, so they froze outside. I really don’t like losing a plant. And then there are my ferns, they too had to be left outside. I wish I had room for a green house. I would absolutely LOVE that. I would have a safe place for starter plants and a warm place to keep them in the winter. I have been thinking about some azalea’s and/or dog wood trees for the property line on either side of our front yard. Right now we have some straggly trees. I wouldn’t mind some “filler” and something that blooms pretty flowers. Anyway, no other plant sales, so I headed home.

    I figured I would work on getting the bathrooms done and finish trimming my butterfly bushes… and if I still had some wind in my sails I would wash my car. I hadn’t been home for too long when Mandy called and asked if I wanted to go with her and Lauren to finish getting stuff for Lauren for prom. Initially I said no. I had things around the house I wanted to do and I was worried about all the running around and the issues I was having with my back still. But the more we talked I thought about how long its been since we had a girls day together to just cut up and enjoy each others company. So I decided that everything at the house could wait. I had another day of shift to get some things done and Tancy would only have one day off and then I would have at least three more before she goes on vacation. Plenty of time to get it all done. So I said yes. It was going to be a little while before they got here but I had a project to work on so that was fine.

    I fixed myself something for lunch (peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of milk) and bummed around the house till they got here. I wanted to go to Once Upon A Child to see what all they had so I got that address while I was waiting. I guess it was just after 2:00 when they drove up. We visited a minute and then headed out. We stopped at Petsmart first for dog food. Then at Wendy’s for some lunch for Lauren. Then we went to Once Upon A Child. It was too full of people for me to look at much of anything. I felt very claustrophobic and just needed to get out of there. The place is big though & they have lots of stuff. Whatever we don’t get at the shower here I think we’d do well to see about getting it there.

    Then it was on to the mall. Lauren need some girdle type underwear and the sticky cup type bra for her prom dress. We got those no problem and then headed to get her some “decorative” bobby pins. By the time we got out of the mall my leg was completely numb and my hip (same side, right side) was making me absolutely miserable. So we skipped the trip to Target where we were going to look for something for our friends new baby. We headed home. It was a great trip, lots of laughter. I am so glad I decided to go with them. We got home and Lauren stayed a while to visit, but then had to go… too cool to hang out with us. LOL. Mandy and I hung out, caught up and eventually I started cooking dinner. Tancy was home about 6:45 and we had dinner. I made a throw together spaghetti (you know, cook the meat, add the onions and mushrooms, cook that down for a minute or two, open a can of sauce, add it and let it cook till the noodles are done… dinners ready!) Mandy stayed a while longer (she had said she was leaving after Tancy got home) and we had a good visit. I think it was pretty close to 8:00 when she left.

    It had been a full day, but a good day. Tancy got her bath and she and I caught up on each others day. She had worked so hard that day and was absolutely exhausted. By 9:00 she was out. I wasn’t too far behind either. We are both tickled that today is her last day of this shift (and trying not to dwell on the fact that she only has the one day off before heading back). We plan to sleep in tomorrow. I am hoping it will be a slack day. I think she needs a day to just recharge a bit. I don’t know what we will do, I don’t have anything other than the tire rotation on my schedule… but I can’t speak for what she might have on hers.

    I slept… but again it was full of waking up to go to the bathroom and turning over to find a comfortable position that just isn’t to be found. At 1:24 I woke up for a potty run. Lillie was moving and kicking and that made it harder to fall back to sleep. But I managed. She woke me up at 3 something moving around. I was laying on my right side, but nearly on my back. My right hip was hurting me terribly. I turned over again. Ugh. It’s the same process  every night. Once again I woke up to look at the clock 4:44, the alarm goes off at 4:45. Shit! Tancy hit snooze and I was fast asleep as soon as she did… but when it went off again I wished I had just gotten up at 4:44. I had been gone yesterday so much that I hadn’t reset the coffee pot to brew on its own… so I had my normal routine to contend with.

    Up, push the dogs out of my way so I can get to my slippers and robe. Drag my feet all the way to the kitchen and get the morning going with coffee and taking care of the puppies. We had about 25 minutes together this morning before Tancy left for work. I hated to see her go. I know we would have both rathered to crawl back in to bed and snuggle up. We are both really tired today. She headed out to work and I grabbed the computer.

    I don’t know exactly what I will do today. I just checked the weather forecast… the rain is suppose to start around 4:00ish. I might be able to get  the butterfly bushes done by then. You just never know how reliable the forecast is. Yesterday the forecast was calling for rain by 10:00, so it’s been pushed back 6 hours in less than a 12 hour time frame. I would like to get the bathrooms done today. I also would like to get the laundry done. So, once again, there’s no shortage of chores on the list.

    I don’t have anything profound to share with you this morning. Nothing funny or uplifting. It’s just me and my list of things to do today. Maybe you all have big plans today, or plan to do nothing. Either way I hope that you enjoy your day. Sending you all lots of love and positive energy today. I think we could all use that, always. Where are my peeps by the way? I haven’t really seen anyone reading lately. Daniele read last night… what’s up with that? These are the same people who will give me shit for not blogging in a day or two! Oh well, I write no matter who reads, always the same old me.

    Love to all!

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