May 15, 2009

  • The first of the second round of nights... Did you get that?

    Hello all. It is currently 9:22 on Friday night. Tonight is the first night of the second round of nights, there are three in this shift, then we have three weeks of days before she goes back to nights. So far tonight is going fine...

    The last time I blogged was Thursday night, but that was essentially a photo blog. Prior to that my last blog was Thursday morning. Not too much has happened since then to be honest. I went to physical therapy with Tancy yesterday. I think she got her money's worth out of that session! From there we went to an aquarium place in Cherryville, not our normal "fish guy". We liked him though and he had some good information and advice. From there we came home and did a water change on the tank. The nitrates tested right at the level that indicates it is time for a water change. Don't ask me what that is, I don't know. I just know the guy said when their tanks test at that level is when they do a water change and Tancy's going to stick to that standard. We waited till about 7:00 and headed outside. I watered the plants on the deck and Tancy watered the garden. I came inside then and watered all the plants in the house. Then Tancy and I packed ALL of the aloe vera plants (there are about a dozen and they need to be divided out again) and my peace lilys out to the front porch, they need light, but not full sun.. so the front porch is the perfect place. I took the christmas cactus to the back deck and put it on the table under the umbrella. Again, this plant doesn't need full sun, so under the umbrella is a good spot. I am especially protective about this plant. After all that we came inside and caught up on DVR shows and just hanging out. By midnight we were both exhausted and headed to the back. I tried, but midnight was all I could do. We watched some TV and talked, I tried to help her stay awake as long as I possibly could. But 1:00 we were both passed out.

    So this morning I am up around 10:00, it was a long night. It gets harder and harder to get up every hour and a half to pee. It gets more and more frustrating to be up so often and to hurt all night long, to not be able to get comfortable, to have the numbness in my arms and hands wake me up, to have the sound of my sinus drip either wake me up or keep me awake, to wake up feeling like I can't breathe, to wake up sweating my ass off.... ok, I've fussed enough about it all. Needless to say, even though I was asleep at 1:00 and slept till 10:00 that does NOT mean I slept 9:00 hours. LOL. I went through my regular morning routine, as always puppies and coffee. I talked to Mom for a bit, that was nice. I miss her bunches and lately she's been so busy at work we don't get to talk like we used to, so I am thankful for times like this morning. After our conversation I called Maw-Maw to wish her a happy birthday. We had a good conversation too. I miss Maw-Maw and wish I got to see her more. I still try to talk her in to coming up here to see us, it'll probably never happen, but ya can't blame me for trying. About the time I was getting off the phone with Maw-Maw, Tancy drug out of bed. It was probably 10:30ish. Up waaaay too early, but nothing I can do about it. Tylor had already called wanting her to come play softball with them. They were short and he really just wants her to play.

    So she gets her coffee and gets on the phone to Tylor, tells him we will come watch but she doesn't know about playing (which means she will because just like she could talk him into anything, he can talk her into just about anything... and its softball, she doesn't need her arm twisted!). So we finish watching the show we are watching "Bringing Home Baby", the lesbian version... and the one not giving birth is a total nut case. Wow! It was ALL about her. This made me incredibly thankful that I have the partner that I have. We get dressed and head out to the ball field. Tancy heads for the doug out... of course... and Tylor basically tells her that he knew she would play! They do pretty good actually. Right up until the guy comes up and tells them all that its a private ball field and they don't have permission to be there. The guy (and his wife) who set it up tell him that they do and who they talked to... it basically becomes a pissing contest between this 60+ year old man and these younger guys... it ends with a "Thanks Asshole" and the game breaks up. Oh well. I know Tancy was disappointed but there wasn't anything to be done about it.

    We head home and I get lunch going for us. If she can't sleep enough she can at least eat something good before work. She sweeps and mops the floor for me. I talk to Mom again on the phone while I am cooking. Mom and I get off the phone about the time that I am done cooking and Tancy and I eat our pork chops, rice-a-roni and corn. It was pretty delicious if I do say so myself. We both get baths after we eat and just hang out. One of the guys she works with stops by to pick up some tools for laying hard wood flooring. He picks that stuff up and we chat with him for a bit. When he leaves theres like an hour left before Tancy has to leave and it seems to go by in a blink.

    I sent Mandy a text to see what they were up to tonight, she calls me when she gets off of work. They have a ton of stuff to do tonight. The durango is not working again, the sink in their bathroom was clogged and now needs repaired after Steve took it apart, I don't even know what all they had to do once she got home from work. We both lamented on finances and recent struggles and agreed to get together tomorrow night one way or the other. So I played around on the computer a bit and then decided to do something more productive... I go to the back and get the gowns I got for the hospital and once I get home, they will be handy for breastfeeding which was the main objective. I get my sewing kit and park it on the couch. I get to sewing, wow, its been a long time since I sewed by hand and I'm not so great at it. I called Pops while I was sewing, just to check in with him. We don't talk on the phone often, and I like to hear his voice occasionally, so I called. He was already tired, he sounded like he was about asleep already. We talked for a bit, not about much of anything and then I let him go so that he could take his tired self to bed! I got all three gowns sewn and am glad to have it done. I put the gowns away (reminding myself I do need to pack that hospital bag soon) and my sewing kit and do just what I told Pops I was going to do.... I make myself pancakes for dinner!! Good, not as good as I had hoped, not sure why... but tasty enough. I am now all out of milk and will have to go get some in the morning probably.

    So now I am sitting on the couch, full belly, dogs are sleeping. Scouts on the love seat and Hemmi is on the other end of the couch from me. I think I just heard some thunder, not really sure though. It's looked like rain all day but we managed to avoid it. I don't have any other plans for tonight. I am thinking before too long I'll head to the back and crawl into bed. For the last few days I have been having Braxton Hicks. They don't hurt, but sometimes they make me feel like I can't breathe. I am not sure how or why that would be... but it is. I have been doing my "kick counts" each evening. I usually have counted 10 within just a couple of minutes. I mark it down so that I can take it in for my next visit to the doctor. I am not sure if I have to do it from here on out or not, but I know its common practice for our doctors office. Tonight my lower back is giving me some trouble, that's another thing that's been happening lately as well. I figure all that is just my body getting "warmed up" for the real deal, whenever that happens.

    Well kids... I don't know what tonight will hold when it is all said and done, but I have been writing this for about 30 minutes now and that's all I got! So, I hope ya'll are having a good Friday night and also that you enjoy your weekend. Tomorrow is liable to be a quiet day for me. I hope that Tancy gets to sleep well tomorrow. OH! I almost forgot, Brady got to come home from the hospital today. Missy says he's ornery as ever and doing good.

    Love to all!