June 7, 2009

  • Labor? False Labor? False Alarm? Or just the beginning??

    Hello all. It’s Sunday night at 10:30 and I hope that everyone is sleeping soundly in their beds. I am sleepy, but staying up for a bit with Tancy to help her stay awake a little longer to prepare for nights Monday night.

    Yesterday was a good day. We got up and took care of a few things around the house, the floor, the kitchen, the laundry… you know, the usual. We were going to to go a local event at the town square, but found that Scout was trying to dig her way out of the fence (obsessively) and decided we might be better off to stay home and work with her some. She was covered in mud! So we did… and even ended up giving both of the dogs a bath, well, Tancy did most of the work, I just helped a bit.

    My belly had been sore all day. The kind of sore where bending over or getting my leg up high enough to tie my shoes was really uncomfortable. I had also been feeling pressure in my bottom all day and my lower back had been tight… so generally just un-freakin-comfortable all the way around. While Tancy was bathing Scout she shook off and got me all wet and I winced. Tancy thought it was because the water was cold. When I didn’t recover quickly she laughed a bit and went back to Scout. I finally told her that I had just had a pretty intense feeling and wasn’t sure what it was. It was low in my belly, not all over and although it wasn’t a 10 or anything to indicate something was “happening” it certainly got my attention. We had some dialogue about what I was feeling and all and then went back to our tasks.

    Soon we got baths and got ready for dinner with Ty and Val. Getting into and out of the tub was a chore. Drying off was a pain. But I managed to get it all done and bitch about it minimally. I communicated with Tancy alot, mostly because I know she wants to have a good understanding of what is going on and if I describe it while its happening that’s the best I can do for her. I felt tired and worn out, wanting a nap and knowing that wasn’t going to happen.

    Off to dinner early so that we could make a few stops on our way. Petco first for some more gnaw-gnaw bones. Walking around in there wasn’t too bad, but the top of my belly would get really tight. I would have moments of discomfort where I just wasn’t sure what to do. We got out of there relatively quickly and were on to our next stop, a fish and aquarium shop near the restaurant we were meeting Ty and Val at. We looked around in there for quite a bit. At first I was fine, but before long I was increasingly uncomfortable and felt the need to sit down. My leg was starting to bother me again, my back was really hurting and again, I just wasn’t sure what to do.

    We headed over to the restaurant and got a table. I had to make two potty runs (waddles) before Ty and Val ever got there and they were about 10 minutes behind us. I got water, afraid that I was dehydrated and that was the reason for all the discomfort. While we were sitting there I’d feel a not so fun tightness, kinda crampy, along the bottom of my belly, kind of across my hips almost… but I could get through it without really letting on. Unfortunately, if my bladder called during one of these moments I could hardly stand and walk. This made it a little more difficult to conceal my discomfort (which I really wanted to do until I could figure out what was happening… and I just wanted to enjoy dinner with Ty and Val… I also didn’t want anyone getting too excited about any of it). I sent my dear Aunt Jan a message and asked her what the beginnings of labor felt like for her. (Seems like everyone I know who has had a kid recently was induced or had a c-section.) We had some dialogue but that really didn’t give me any answers.

    Before long I was pushing miserable and it was pushing back. I was ready to get home, be in my own environment, get comfortable and try to figure out what was happening. I did the baby step thing walking to the car, I could barely get my legs to move… I was so freakin’ uncomfortable… and baffled as to what to call this that I was feeling. On the way home I do my best to communicate to Tancy what I am feeling and we decide to start timing these “things” that were happening and see if there was a pattern or anything. I had about 4 in a row, 25 – 21 minutes apart. Then there was about an hour break with nothing and then there were 6 that averaged about 20 minutes apart. We decided that these were contractions of some sort, but nothing to get overly excited about. Immediately my thoughts went to Mom & Dad. How would I know when I should call them and let them know what was going on? I was pretty sure this wasn’t that time, hell, I honestly couldn’t say what was even happening. But I didn’t want to wait too late to call them any more than I wanted to jump the gun. Aunt Jan and I continued to exchange messages. That was a great comfort to me. The last thing I wanted to do was to get everyone riled up, or even myself.

    About 11:00 I decided I had to go to bed. I was absolutely exhausted. I went to the back, Tancy stayed up to get ready for the upcoming round of nights. I had two small (what I will now call) contractions once I laid down and then one or two more in the night that were a bit more intense. After that, nothing.

    This morning I woke up, the soreness, the back pain, the contractions, all gone. I called Mom and Dad to tell them about last nights events, much better equipped to tell them whats going on without any sense of urgency or question. I know it wasn’t real labor, I didn’t exactly think it was last night, but I just wasn’t sure. We have a good conversation, Mom puts my mind at ease and I feel even better about it all now. We decided to go to Mandy’s and help her out with some of the things she wants to get done before Lauren’s graduation. I figured I could cut the grass for her, not too labor intense but keeps me moving around. Being out in the sunshine is always good, especially when there’s a breeze. I knew that there was no way I could sit still today. So we light out and get there about 10:00 I guess?? Not really sure to be honest, I don’t think it was any later than 10:00.

    I get on the mower and Tancy starts helping with other stuff. There were moments of soreness while I was cutting grass and even a few sharper pains, but nothing remarkable. I took small breaks, drank plenty of water and had a few snacks. Another change in the last two – three days, no big meals, smaller meals more frequently. We had lunch not long after I finished the yard and then I took a push broom to the carport. After that, I was done. I started feeling tightness in my belly and a little breathless. My hands were swelling and I just felt so tired. I asked Tancy if after she got Lauren’s car running we could go home. I was tired and wanted a shower and to just lay down. She agreed. I paced around the carport, screen porch and even kitchen for the next 2 hours. They finally got the belt in place and it was fixed. A spin around the block for good measure and we were on our way home.

    We came home, got baths and got in bed (at this point, a bath is ALOT of work, not just the getting in, but the getting out… I am more worn out when I get out than I was before). We watched a bit of TV and I had a pretty “good” contraction before we settled in to actually sleep some. I guess I slept an hour, 45 minutes maybe… I got up, let the dogs out, fed them their dinner and called Mom and Dad to check in. I’d been keeping up with them by text message most of the day. Nothing big going on with either of us so its a fairly short conversation.

    Tancy got up about an hour after me. We decided to take a walk. Again, I am having trouble sitting still. We aren’t 20 feet from the drive way and my hands swell up like no body’s business. I mean it is so bad the skin feels like its gonna split like the skin on a hot dog on the grill. I try to hold my hands up above my heart but feel ridiculous walking this way. I keep clenching my fists to try to help also, this doesn’t look any less silly. We walk to the front of our road and down to another side road and then down it a piece before turning around to come back. I just can’t take the pressure in my hands. Coming up our drive way is a real peach!

    We decided to go get something for dinner. I don’t want to cook, Tancy doesn’t either… and honestly we can’t decide what we want anyway! Out we go. We finally arrive on Japanese, we have a decent place close by that serves Teriyaki chicken for $4.49 a plate and its more than you can eat at one sitting. That’ll do! We get dinner and head home. We actually at dinner at the table. I have been trying to make this happen more lately, especially when Tancy gets in from work. It’s yummy but I am full way too soon.

    No sooner than I sit down on the couch I feel a contraction. We start keeping track. We get out some of the pregnancy books just to see what they have to say about labor and contractions. My best guess is that Lillie is testing us, getting our attention… she wants to get us good and wrapped around her little finger before she gets here. I figure that this process could go on for a week or even two more, so I am not overly excited to feel a contraction at this point. I don’t think that means we’ll be going to the hospital any time soon, nor do I think there’s anything I can do to make it happen faster (or slow it if I were so inclined). It just is. I think I’ve had three now, make that four, none as intense as last nights. None that last more than 30 – 45 seconds. No real pattern either. So, again, nothing remarkable.

    Right now I want to go to bed. I am going to try to stay awake a little bit longer. But I think I could sleep sitting upright at this moment. I am just trying to help Tancy cause I know she really wants to go to bed right now too. I have decided, at this point, during the day if I am tired I will lay down. I don’t feel the need to scrub any more. I still find it necessary to take care of the daily stuff, but no more wiping down doors and windows. I’d rather be outside at this point.

    I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Tancy will hopefully sleep in some. Our trainer for the dogs is scheduled to come out and give us an assessment of sorts. Then Tancy will surely head off to work at about 5:30. That’s when the real fun begins… what to do with myself?! That is always the question when she’s on nights!

    Well kids, I think that’s all I’ve got for now. It seems like it has been such a long day. I was up at 6:15 for some reason. I’ve got a feeling that today wont be the last long day before Lillie gets here. So I will be off to bed soon to try to get as much rest as my body will allow me to get. I hope you all sleep well. I am sure I will blog tomorrow at some point.

    Love to all!

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