June 1, 2009

  • Thursday’s update

    Ok, so I am going to do this one day at a time… since it seems there is too much to blog about in one update.

    Thursday morning I got up with Tancy as I usually do. Coffee, take care of the pups, the usual routine. I had a few last minute things to do, fold a load of towels, make the bed, etc. Then I got in the shower to get ready to go get my family from the airport. I talked to Mom, she was excited, they were shortly on their way to the airport. I got a text message from my cousin who was suppose to come, sick, can’t make it but would call later. I was heart broken. No way around it… and a text, it was a hard pill to swallow, I had been looking forward to this visit for more than two month. I allowed myself a cry about it and then pulled it together. My Mom was coming in and I was going to soak up every bit of that no matter what. Mom called again, on their way. I told her about my cousin not making it and we discussed adjusting some of the days plans. We had planned a spa day for the three of us after I picked them both up from the airport (both coming from Louisiana), so I had to take care of that first and foremost. That made me emotional again… but what could I do. Mom and I talked several times through the process of me getting ready and her waiting at the airport.

    Before long she had boarded the plane and I was trying to find things to occupy myself till time to leave. Trying not to be emotional about the abrupt cancelation and limited information. I managed to busy myself without tearing the house apart cleaning something or organizing anything. I left a bit early to go get a refill on Tancy’s anti-inflammatory and then I was on my way to the airport. Do you know how hard it is for me not to be early for something? Especially if I am excited?! It’s nearly impossible!! I got to the cell phone lot at the airport about 10 minutes before Mom was scheduled to land. I posted on Facebook and Myspace that I would probably not post till Monday, took care of some last minute messages and before I knew it she had landed. I then began to circle the pickup area (cause they wont let  you park even for a second if you passenger isn’t outside already) and before long I had her in the car with me. I couldn’t believe it! Finally!! We had been counting down the days, literally, for nearly a month and waiting for this day for two months! I had already called and rescheduled our spa time, I updated her on those changes and we were off. Both in awe that we were finally together, that the day had actually made it and we didn’t have to wait any more.

    Our first stop was a quick bite of lunch, on the go of course, we had places to be. We left from there and headed directly for the spa. We both had massages and I then had a manicure and pedicure. We got there just a few minutes early and before long I was on the massage table letting go of all the stress of the day and days prior… relaxing and resetting. The massage was over before I knew it and I was on to more pampering. Mom was on to get her massage, deep tissue and reflexology… not exactly relaxing, but what she wanted/needed. My mani/pedi was great and I do so enjoy the people at the spa. They are all fantastic and just wonderful in so many ways. When it was all over we said our goodbyes, they all asked that I bring the baby by when she arrives so they can meet her. How sweet!

    On to our next destination, a little shopping. If we’d gone home we would have surely gone sound to sleep. Mom pulled some gift wrapping out of her bag… they (the ladies and gentleman at the spa) had given me a gift… a certificate for a mani/pedi. How sweet!! Mental note, send thank you card to spa. We went to Babies R Us in Concord. Mom was certain she needed a shower gift. We shopped around and just had a good time looking at all the baby stuff there is… it really is amazing what all people come up with! I am sure you can manage without most of it. LOL. We got what she intended to get. But not before getting the one person who was socially inept to help us, unknowing that she would continue to follow us around the entire store when it was all said and done. We finally broke free, perused a bit more and then headed out.

    All day long we had been texting Aunt Jan, checking on where she was and when she got in. She had some trouble with getting off the plane. They grounded some flights due to bad weather, which limited “parking” spots for incoming flights. They sat on the tarmac for an hour and a half I guess… then they didn’t have her luggage. At the time we thought they had lost it and we were upset for her. She was staying with her daughter and son-in-law and they were having dinner together that night. We woudn’t see her till Friday, which we understood, but were still sad about.

    We were going to stop at Target to get a gift bag and I needed gas, but the bottom fell out and we had a torrential down pour. I stopped for gas, noticed the time and called Tancy to tell her that we would meet her for dinner instead of see her at home and then leave… we could eat earlier if we just met her. By the time I got gas she was on her way and the restaurant was about mid way between us. We got there just before her, the rain had let up, thankfully and went in to get a table. She joined us shortly and it felt like the weekend had now officially begun. We ordered edamame and then sushi, some predetermined and some we designed (so to speak). It was fantastic… and I do love to watch Mom eat food she loves. If you haven’t experienced it, there’s no describing it to you… but you know that she’s truly enjoying every moment of it. After dinner we headed for home, but not before stopping to get Tancy some tiramisu. Then it was “home James”. We got home and tried to settle down for the evening. The tiramisu was more like a custard, it was good as long as you didn’t compare it to a real tiramisu. Make sense? We watched a bit of TV but were all fairly tired. It had been a really long day and the weekend promised alot more activity.

    It was a truly wonderful day.

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